Prices become time-oriented, can lithium batteries remain 'hot'?

by:CTECHi     2021-09-18
The development of domestic new energy vehicles has exceeded ten years. In the past few years, under the promotion of the national new energy industry policy, a wave of manufacturing lithium batteries has been set off across the country. At one time, more than 400 lithium battery cell and pack assembly companies (including lithium batteries for new energy vehicles) were acquired. Among them, there were as many as 200-300 lithium battery companies involved in electric vehicles. However, the core materials such as the separator of the cathode material, the electrolyte and the aluminum-plastic film used in the flexible packaging battery are heavily dependent on imports, resulting in the high cost of the manufactured lithium battery. The price of the lithium battery of the same capacity is the same as that of the lead-acid battery. More than three times, leading to difficult market promotion. In recent years, domestic lithium battery material technology has made continuous breakthroughs, and most of the core materials have basically achieved localization rates. At present, the 48v11Ah (using 18650 cylindrical steel shell, each cell is 2200mA, 65 cells in series and parallel) of lithium batteries including chargers are grouped, and the price is less than 500 yuan. Compared with lead-acid batteries, it has Cost-effective advantage. This price is already about 1/3 of that of lithium batteries that have just been introduced to the market. It can be seen that the gradual replacement of lead-acid batteries by lithium batteries is not empty talk. With the advancement of solar energy technology, how long can lithium batteries 'live'? For the future development, lithium battery technology still has challenges. Although heat has reduced costs and increased thermal energy storage, in the long run, it will eventually lose to the impact of solar technology. At present, many countries have begun to formulate mid- and long-term solar development plans, such as the US’s National Photovoltaic Plan, Japan’s Sunshine Plan, and China’s Western Provinces and Regions’ Electricity-Free Township Plan. Solar energy application technologies will start from monocrystalline silicon and advanced devices, thin films Photovoltaic technology, PVMaT, photovoltaic modules, system performance and engineering, photovoltaic applications and market development are gradually deepening. For the current solar cell technology, there are three types: monocrystalline silicon solar cells, polycrystalline silicon thin film solar cells and amorphous silicon thin film solar cells. The current monocrystalline silicon solar technology* is mature, but due to the high cost of monocrystalline silicon, Will gradually be replaced by polycrystalline silicon thin film solar cells, but the most promising is amorphous silicon thin film solar cells; secondly, nanocrystalline solar cells are gradually entering people’s field of vision. It can harvest stable performance, and its production cost is only 1/5 to 1/10 of silicon solar cells. The life span can reach more than 20 years, which is also one of the challenging factors for lithium batteries. Summary: The battery is the core component of electric vehicles, which directly determines the key cruising range for electric vehicles. Current research on batteries for electric vehicles is still focused on lithium batteries, followed by lead-acid batteries, nickel-hydrogen batteries, and sodium batteries. Japan and the United States rank the top two in the world in terms of applications for batteries and management systems for electric vehicles. With the gradual heating up of new energy sources, the investment in the battery industry is also increasing. In the next few years, battery technology will usher in rapid development.
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