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CTECHi to Deploy Advanced Battery Storage Systems in Downey Unified School District, Los Angeles


According to foreign media reports, the Downey Unified School District (DUSD) in Los Angeles, California, has announced plans to deploy multiple battery storage systems across seven of its schools. This initiative is expected to save the district $5.7 million in electricity costs. The school board has contracted with a leading energy storage company to install systems with a total capacity of 3.5MW/7MWh.

Dr. John Garcia, Superintendent of DUSD, stated, "The school board is continually looking for creative ways to save money, and adopting storage systems will significantly reduce our electricity costs." He mentioned that the battery storage systems will be operational starting this year, and the savings in electricity costs will become more substantial over the coming years.

The project is funded under California's Proposition 39, a legislative measure aimed at improving energy efficiency and clean energy generation while reducing electricity expenses. The battery storage systems will provide power to air conditioning units and stadium lighting, projecting a savings of $5.7 million in electricity costs over the next decade for the Downey Unified School District.

Local utility companies charge these schools at commercial rates for electricity used during peak periods, with peak demand charges potentially accounting for 50% of their total costs each month. While the battery storage systems cannot completely eliminate demand charges, the 80% average increase in demand charges in California over the past decade means that the adoption of storage systems will still result in significant savings.

CTECHi CEO Denny highlighted that these storage projects will also help alleviate the strain on the overloaded grid, enhancing the reliability of California's electrical infrastructure. Additionally, CTECHi has already deployed battery storage systems in 80 schools, further demonstrating its commitment to energy solutions in the education sector.

As early as 2017, solar companies installed solar generation facilities and Sharp SmartStorage systems for the Santa Rita Union School District, setting a precedent for the widespread adoption of battery storage systems in California's school districts.

CTECHi emphasized that while saving on electricity costs is a critical component of improving energy resilience, using battery storage systems as a backup power source was a key factor in aligning this project with decision-makers.

On the technical front, CTECHi claims its software will play a crucial role in controlling and managing DUSD's 3.5MW/7MWh storage systems. The cloud-based GridSynergy software calculates optimal charging and discharging cycles based on historical and real-time data, continuously adapting to the region's energy needs.

Moreover, media reports indicate that CTECHi will deploy community solar + storage systems in Massachusetts and will enter the New England ISO wholesale electricity market, showcasing another pathway for the company's battery storage system deployments.

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