The power lithium battery pack industry is developing rapidly, and industry competition is intensifying

by:CTECHi     2021-08-14

The competition in the power lithium battery pack industry is fierce. How should the future go? The era of new energy vehicles has arrived. In recent years, the rapid development of my country's power lithium battery pack industry has led to intensified industry competition among enterprises. Power battery is the most critical component of new energy vehicles, and it is also the source of consumers' 'mileage worries'. So where is the future development of lithium battery packs?

First, new energy policies drive the rapid growth of the lithium battery pack industry

On July 9, 2012, the State Council formally issued the 'Energy-saving and New Energy Vehicle Industry Development PlanThe production capacity of plug-in hybrid vehicles reached 2 million, and the cumulative production and sales exceeded 5 million. According to industry forecasts, this means that the demand for power lithium battery packs will exceed 100GWh.

In September 2013, the 'Notice on Continuing the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles' plans to provide the Vehicles are subsidized; in September 2014, the new energy vehicle purchase tax exemption policy was implemented, and the driving effect of the 10% discount on car prices was immediate. In 2014, the cumulative production of new energy vehicles was 83,900, an increase of nearly 4 times compared with the same period last year. .

Thanks to the policy support and development of new energy vehicles, the field of power lithium battery packs has also ushered in an explosive period. Accompanying the goal of 'accumulative production and sales of 5 million vehicles in 2020' is the demand for power batteries exceeding 100GWh.

Second, the top 3 power battery companies account for 70% of the market, and the industry concentration is further improved

From the perspective of battery companies, lithium iron oxide is the material of choice for most companies. From January to May of this year, the top supplier in the domestic battery installed capacity is CATL, with an installed capacity of 5,464.11MWh, accounting for 43.1% of the market share. The second-ranked BYD has an installed capacity of 2545.31MWh, accounting for 20.1% of the market, and the third-placed Guoxuan Hi-Tech has an installed capacity of 804MWh, accounting for 6.4% of the market. The three companies together account for 70% of the national market share.

3. The lithium battery pack industry is reshuffled, and battery policy requirements are further improved

October 26, 2016, China The 'Energy-saving and New Energy Vehicle Technology Roadmap' released by the Society of Automotive Engineering at its annual meeting proposed that the specific energy of energy-type lithium-ion batteries will reach 350Wh/kg by 2020, and the specific energy of the system will reach 260Wh/kg, although it has not There are specific mandatory requirements, but it has become a mid- and long-term goal for the development of domestic power batteries. In addition, in February 2018, the Ministry of Finance and other four departments adjusted and improved the fiscal subsidy policy for the promotion and application of new energy vehicles, and further clarified the requirements for the energy density of pure electric passenger vehicles.

This policy puts forward strict requirements on power battery companies, production conditions, technical capabilities, products, quality assurance capabilities, sales and after-sales services, etc. The policy guidance is to a certain extent This accelerated the reshuffle of the battery industry.

4. Intensified competition in the power lithium battery industry

With the gradual decline of policy subsidies, the new energy vehicle market is The transition from 'policy-oriented' to 'market-oriented' is also applicable to the power battery industry. In April 2018, the 'Interim Management Measures for the White List of Automotive Power Storage Battery and Hydrogen Fuel Cell Industries' was promulgated, which is no longer linked to subsidy policies, and is guided by guiding and supporting technological progress of independent brands as the core guidance. Foreign brands will also flood in, so as to achieve more adequate market competition.

With the overall downward adjustment of the subsidy policy, automakers also need to push up and down the procurement costs, but the prices of upstream raw materials for lithium battery packs continue to rise. This situation makes the improvement of power battery technical capabilities extremely critical. In addition, the industry's increasingly higher entry barriers, overcapacity status, and the trend of declining gross profit levels have greatly accelerated the 'shuffle' of the power battery industry.

Summary: In the face of ever-increasing industry competition and increasing technical standards, the knock-out competition of power lithium battery pack companies will become more cruel, but this will undoubtedly accelerate new energy vehicles The arrival of the automobile age. Domestic battery companies should have a sense of crisis, continue to formulate development plans and accelerate the pace of 'going outThe development of the energy storage electric lithium battery pack has not stopped.

The above content can be summed up as the following points:

●From 2012 to 2017, domestic power battery companies With rapid development, the installed capacity has increased by 55 times in 5 years.

●The domestic power battery industry has obvious advantages as a 'head company'. In the first 5 months of 2018, the top three power battery companies accounted for nearly 70% of the industry, concentrated Compared with 2017, the degree has increased by nearly 20%.

●Behind the rapid development of the power battery industry, problems such as the formulation of industry standards, overcapacity, and decline in gross profit have become prominent. As the battery policy changes from extensive management to strict guidance, competition in the power battery industry in the post-subsidy era has intensified.

● In order to comply with policy and market changes, power battery companies are accelerating their deployment in technology and production capacity. The “quality” and “quantity” of the domestic power battery industry will be both in the next few years. There will be a significant improvement.

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