The market demand for electric forklifts is growing rapidly, and the proportion of electric forklift batteries in my country will continue to grow in the future

by:CTECHi     2021-09-19
Cumulative sales from January to December 2020 reached 800,000 vehicles, an increase of 31% compared to the same period in 2019, of which electric forklift sales accounted for 51%, an increase of 1.2% from 2019, mainly due to environmental protection requirements and indoor Driven by the requirements of the working environment, the demand for electric forklifts continues to grow. Forklift is a kind of industrial handling vehicle, which refers to various wheeled handling vehicles for loading and unloading, stacking and short-distance transportation of pallet goods. It is widely used in ports, stations, airports, freight yards, factory workshops, warehouses, etc. Circulation centers and distribution centers, etc., and can enter the cabins, carriages and containers for loading and unloading and handling of palletized goods. It is an indispensable equipment for pallet transportation and container transportation. The emergence of forklifts is one of the most significant events in the twentieth century that have had a major impact on the development of the world's industry. In 1916-1917, the Clark Company of the United States used to transport sand and raw materials as a pioneer in industrial forklifts. The forklift industry in my country started in the late 1950s. At that time, it was mainly based on imitating Soviet forklifts. In the initial stage, China's forklift industry experienced rapid growth for many years. Although there was a short-term negative growth after the world financial crisis in 2009, the overall trend has been On the rise, the annual sales volume of the forklift market has increased from less than 20,000 units in the past to about 720,000 units in 2019. It has become the world’s largest forklift production and manufacturing base, and its exports are exported to Germany, the United States and other machinery manufacturing countries, and the production quality has been achieved. Recognized by the world. Rapid growth of market demand In 2019, the forklift industry will not only have to deal with the pressure of adjustment after the rapid growth in the past few years, but also face the influence of factors such as Sino-US trade frictions and increased environmental protection requirements. Statistics from the Industrial Vehicle Branch of the China Construction Machinery Industry Association show , China's forklift sales volume was 608,000 units, a year-on-year increase of 1.8%, of which domestic sales were 456,000 units, a year-on-year increase of 5.9%; export sales were 153,000 units, a year-on-year decrease of 8.5%. In 2019, China's forklift sales accounted for 40.7% of the world's total sales, becoming the world's major consumer market for forklifts. In 2020, thanks to the rapid control of the domestic new crown epidemic, the rapid recovery of domestic manufacturing and logistics industries, the demand for forklifts in the forklift market has grown rapidly. Cumulative sales from January to November 2020 reached 725,600 vehicles, an increase of 30.3% compared to the same period in 2019. Forklift sales are mainly affected by the macro economy, and its growth rate is highly correlated with the development of the manufacturing industry. In 2020, based on the fact that the domestic new crown epidemic began to be under control from March to April, the domestic manufacturing PMI index stood on the line of prosperity and decline for 9 consecutive months from March to November, and corporate confidence continued to increase. Benefiting from the recovery of the domestic manufacturing industry and the maintenance of high growth in the logistics industry, domestic forklift sales have rebounded strongly since March, and the growth rate has remained above 20% compared with the same period in 2019. The market demand is very strong. Forklifts are mainly divided into four categories, including internal combustion counterbalanced forklifts, electric counterbalanced forklifts, electric ride-on storage forklifts, and electric walking storage forklifts, respectively corresponding to the IV/V, I, II, and III categories of the European and American classification standards. From the perspective of the sales structure from January to November 2020, internal combustion counterbalanced forklifts and electric walking storage forklifts accounted for the highest proportions, accounting for 49.7% and 39.5%, respectively. Widely used in the logistics industry. Forklifts are widely used in ports, stations, airports, freight yards, factory workshops, warehouses, circulation centers and distribution centers. Among them, the logistics industry and electrical machinery industry should account for the largest proportion, with a market share of 20.5% and 12.4. %. On the whole, forklifts cover a wide area, have a wide range of downstream applications, and their demand is relatively stable. The general trend of forklift electrification can be seen from the respective advantages and disadvantages of internal combustion and electric forklifts. Internal combustion forklifts are inexpensive and easy to purchase. Diesel engines are more reliable and powerful, but the cost of using diesel fuel is high, and the emission of smoke and dust is likely to cause environmental pollution; the price of electric forklifts is about twice that of internal combustion forklifts, but its noise is small and environmentally friendly Requirements, the use cost is low. From the perspective of the proportion of China's forklift sales from 2015 to 2020, the proportion of electric forklift sales has increased year by year, from 36.7% in 2015 to 50.3% in January-November 2020. Mainly driven by environmental protection policies and indoor operating environment requirements, the demand for electric forklifts continues to grow. In addition, according to the China Construction Machinery Industry Association, the proportion of electric forklifts in the sales structure of forklifts in developed countries exceeds 60%. In the future, the proportion of electric forklifts in my country will continue to increase, and the proportion of forklift batteries will also increase simultaneously.
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