How To Recycle Hearing Aid or Button Cell Batteries & Protect The Environment

by:CTECHi     2019-12-10
Button batteries and zinc air hearing aid batteries do you know that hearing aid batteries can be recycled?
Most of us handle waste batteries by putting them in the trash can.
Zinc air batteries are commonly used in hearing aids.
They interact with zinc in the outside air.
They may contain a small amount of mercury oxide in addition to zinc.
The hearing aid battery is divided into button batteries.
They belong to small circles found in watches, greeting cards and pagers.
If they are eventually filled with land, the metal in the battery will penetrate into the soil or groundwater.
If burned, the battery may explode and release toxic substances into the air, or concentrate in the ashes left after burning.
Recycling hearing aid batteries is a safer option.
The recycling process involves the extraction of zinc and other toxic metals contained in it.
Extracted metal for re-saleUse by industry.
The remaining harmless substances were sent to the land for filling.
Recycling facilities have been established in many countries to extract not only metal from hearing aid batteries, but also from various other types of batteries used in mobile phones, toys and other electrical appliances.
Waste batteries discarded at state and county collection centers were sent to these facilities for processing.
Can you help? How can we help?
The important first step is to check the instructions for disposal in the battery pack.
Large stores such as hearing aid retailers, Radio cabins, and K-
Mart and hearing aid clinics usually accept used batteries for safe disposal.
Check with your county office if there is a local collection plan or hazardous waste management plan to collect or discard used batteries.
In California, all batteries are classified as general waste and need to be treated safely.
To host an online inspection of a hazardous waste collection center in a house in your area, click here.
Proper maintenance and maintenance of hearing aids or batteries also help to extend their life.
In order to avoid moisture accumulation, open the battery door in the hearing aid at night.
To prevent zinc from reacting with outside air, remove the label from the new battery only when ready for use.
Before putting in the hearing aid, please set aside a minute or two for the battery to accelerate.
Store the spare battery in a dry place away from metal objects. To prevent mix-
Ups, never put old and new batteries together.
Your hearing aid itself should be kept clean and free of moisture.
Avoid direct sunlight.
The hearing aid also has rechargeable batteries, including solar cells.
Ask your healthcare provider if this is an option for the model you are using.
If so, this is a way to reduce spending and help save scarce resources.
Hearing aid batteries account for a smaller share of millions of used batteries that will eventually fill the land and cause damage to our environment.
Next time you have to deal with old batteries and consider contributing to the recycling plan, keep this in mind.
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