What will happen if there is no protective plate in the lithium battery?

by:CTECHi     2021-07-19

With the development of technology and people's awareness of environmental issues, lithium batteries have become a part of people's lives, and the demand for lithium batteries is increasing. There is more demand, and more and more people pay more and more attention to the safety of lithium batteries. As everyone knows, the lithium battery protection board that protects the safety of the lithium batteries we use, the protection board, as the name suggests, is to protect the battery, and the main protection functions such as overcharge, overdischarge, and overcurrent of the battery. Q. What if there is no such protection board in the lithium battery? Will it still be safe and durable? Today, the Chinese Chuangfa will take a look at the result if there is no protective board in the lithium battery.

In the lighter case, it will damage the battery and affect its service life. In severe cases, the battery will bulge. In severe cases, it will leak, depressurize, explode or catch fire. The main functions of the protection board are:    (1) Overcharge protection function:    Overcharge protection function refers to the prohibition of continued charging by the charger when a certain voltage (hereinafter referred to as overcharge detection voltage) is reached. That is, the MOS tube that controls overcharge is turned off to stop charging.  (2) Over-discharge protection function:   The over-discharge protection function stops discharging the load when the battery voltage drops. Put the MOS tube controlling the over-discharge into the off state and prohibit its discharge. This process is just the opposite of the action during overcharge detection.  (3) Overcurrent protection function:   Overcurrent protection function is to stop discharging the load when a large current is consumed. The purpose of this function is to protect the battery and MOS tube to ensure the safety of the battery under working conditions. After the over-current detection, the battery will return to the normal state after being separated from the load, and can be recharged or discharged.   (4) Short-circuit protection function: The principle of short-circuit protection is the same as above.  〈1〉Protection IC: It is the core of the protection chip. Judge by sampling battery voltage, issue various commands to control MOS tube, and manage battery cells.   <2> MOS tube: It is mainly used as a switch in the protection board circuit.

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