
Special call to launch 'burning car insurance' service, starting from July 1st, if charging spontaneously burn

by:CTECHi     2021-08-24
Tramway News: Today, a special call to announce the 'charging safety protection planAt the same time, Special Call also launched the 'burning car insurance' service: If you charge and burn your car in Special Call, the final loss of users who enjoy the service will be borne by Special Call. Mr. Ju Qiang, Chief Scientist of Telecom, publicly stated at the First my country Electric Vehicle Charging Facilities Technology Innovation Conference held today: 'From July 1st, the car that has been charged under Telecom’s charging network platform for a long time, during the charging process, If it burns, I will pay for the car. In principle, the newly-added pile will only be used for DC, not AC, because DC can better protect the safety of the car.' It is important to understand that in 2020, the National Big Data Alliance for New Energy Vehicles can see from the accident statistics monitored by the national supervision platform: 1) The vast majority of accidents occur during the charging end stage and the rest phase afterwards; 2) The vast majority of accidents occur In the high SOC state of the power lithium battery; 3) In the three stages of vehicle charging, standing, and driving, the charging stage is the most suitable stage for battery indicator safety monitoring and analysis. The historical data of the special power supply also shows that 80% of the spontaneous combustion accidents of new energy vehicles occur during charging or one hour after being fully charged. This means that if charging safety can be ensured, then the spontaneous combustion accidents of electric vehicles can be greatly reduced. Telaidian dared to make such a promise because the two-layer protection technology of the charging network was developed, which broke the current situation that the safety of electric vehicle power lithium batteries completely relies on the management and control of the battery management system for the first time, and realizes the monitoring, warning, and control of car charging. , Traceability, through active charging protection and big data monitoring to ensure the safety of the entire life cycle of electric vehicles, batteries, and charging. When the electric vehicle is charging, the active protection layer of the flexible intelligent charging management system protects at the charging facility level, and monitors the vehicle's own battery management system, as well as indicators such as charging voltage and battery temperature in real time. If the data is found to be abnormal, the charging will be actively terminated . At the same time, the system uses big data for the second layer of protection, that is, the big data platform will perform real-time analysis of each charging data that has been charged to the vehicle, and grasp the current battery life, battery safety status and other information of the vehicle. If the indicator is found to be abnormal, The system will also actively terminate charging. Based on the massive charging data, it is possible to establish a vehicle archive for different brands of vehicles and different battery configurations, to provide early warnings for possible vehicle failures, to provide professional maintenance recommendations for problems, and to provide accurate data for vehicle repair and maintenance. support. It is understood that the special call charging platform can classify and control the risks of electric vehicles. At present, the accuracy of the protection early warning model is 95%, and the burn prevention rate is 73%. At present, Telcom is already the operator with the largest number of charging piles. According to the 2020 financial report of Terad, the parent company of Telecom, Telecom will achieve a total operating income of 2.002 billion yuan in 2020, and will continue to maintain its leading position in the charging market with the largest market share and the number one charging capacity. The annual charging capacity exceeds 2.7 billion. In the past 4 years, the compound increase rate reached 126%. As of the end of 2020, Telecom has established a total of 127 subsidiaries across the country, 343 project landing cities, and launched 207,000 public charging piles, with a cumulative charging capacity of 6.5 billion kWh and more than 3.8 million registered users. According to the latest statistics released by the my country Electric Charging Infrastructure Promotion Alliance, as of April 2021, there are 10 charging piles operated by charging operation companies across the country with more than 10,000 units, namely: 217,000 units operated by special calls , State Grid operates 196,000 units, Star Charging operates 184,000 units, Cloud Quick Charge operates 65,000 units, China Southern Power Grid operates 41,000 units, Yiwei Energy operates 26,000 units, SAIC An Yue operates 20,000 units, Shenzhen Auto Grid operates 16,000 units, Wanma Aichong operates 15,000 units, and my country Putian operates 15,000 units. These 10 operators accounted for 91.7% of the total, and the remaining operators accounted for 8.3% of the total.
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