The Writers Workbench: Alternate Tablets

by:CTECHi     2020-02-13
We looked at it last month.
10 \"the common world of Windows tablets, a fairly-
The area that has recently entered is far behind the more prominent iPad and Android devices, but it offers a range of productivity that I find particularly impressive.
I think I will continue to take some pills.
Although from a slightly different perspective.
This month, we have two very different tablets from Lenovo, which has been developing some interesting devices.
I would like to see if the 8 \"Windows tablets are as valuable as their bigger brothers, and what they are fun --
Android products.
Lenovo Yoga tablet (Android)
Lenovo\'s Yoga tablet is an Android device with something fun and even unique that is rare for tablets.
Most notably, it has an 18-
The battery life of the hour is worth noting. (
It is clear that this number is in ideal conditions, but this is true for the specifications of any tablet. )
With a Micro usb socket, this one is very long
Battery life can also be (
Used to charge other devices, like your phone, so you don\'t need to carry an extra battery pack.
Also, unlike other tablets, yoga is not completely flat-
It has a circular \"handle\" on the side \".
This allows for a better, more comfortable grasp, can also be folded into the reclining bracket position for typing, or as a full stand for watching a movie. (
That is to say, I don\'t sell 100% on the handle.
While it adds some weight, it does make it easier to keep the tablet-
To be fair, I believe this is where the battery is installed, allowing for long charginglife.
But it also means it won\'t lie completely flat on the back.
However, there is no problem with this, and some people may like the benefits of it.
Especially if the battery life is 18 hours. )
Yoga has 8 \"and 10\" models.
The smaller tablet retails for $249, but suddenly the 10 \"tablet retails for $275.
The specifications are very good, not very good.
It has 1 mb of RAM and 16 gb of capacity, although you can add storage using the above microSD port.
I tested it with a 32 gb card.
It takes a very short time to access the materials (
For example, it takes some time for a photo to refresh)
, But it\'s not too long, if these are not the first things to jump to after you launch, it shouldn\'t be a problem at all.
Yoga does not have the highest resolution and is not the most powerful, but the display is very clear, the photo is clear and the text is readable (
Although this is not the Retina Display level)
If not quickly, the device is very responsive.
I like the two speakers in front. -
Even if you flip the tablet end to the end, the volume control \"up\" button goes up subtly.
I want a mute button somewhere
I didn\'t expect to have hardware, but the software options would be good.
This voice is surprisingly respectable.
A little thin, of course, but crispy.
There is also a slot for the SIM card. It uses lower
The terminal MTK processor, but as I said above, the unit seems to be responsive and, most importantly, this MTK processor allows for a very low price.
The 8 models are for only $249 and 10 models are for only $299.
As for that processor, while there are occasional issues with caching, it runs YouTube clips smoothly.
I also checked the watch ESPN app, which lets you watch any live broadcast on the ESPN channel.
After a few seconds, start-
The pixelated image is clean and works well.
If you plan to do a lot of typing and work with yoga, this is a very helpful attachment to note (
For 10-inch tablets only)
It is a Bluetooth keyboard that can act as a screen cover and retail for $70.
Although typing feels a little light, it is very responsive.
The keyboard can be a bit small if your fingers are large, although I find it quite reasonable to use it, even though it is crowded and needs to be touched gently.
But it makes it easier to work on a tablet than to use on-Screen keyboard.
There is also a very helpful mouse touchpad.
A few good ones.
Touch keys that replace many tablet commands-
It doesn\'t seem to be able to replicate smoothly only those that need to slide, though it can do that.
The keyboard does not close tightly when used as a tablet case, but turns off well.
There is only one thing that bothers me with the keyboard --
In order to charge the device, you have to use a dedicated charging wire because of the standard Micro
The USB plug is not suitable.
It\'s not a problem in nature, it\'s just a bad design annoyance --
If the keyboard is out of power and you don\'t have a wire, you can\'t simply borrow anything else.
In connection with this, the cover of the charging port is difficult to open and fragile.
I am afraid that repeated use will destroy it. [
Update: I just thought of another issue with having a proprietary charger cable: If you lose it.
The reason I think of this potential problem is. . .
Uh, I lost my charger.
I am cleaning the room and I suspect I am too enthusiastic.
Unfortunately Lenovo doesn\'t have a spare charger to sell the keyboard, so you have to buy a full keyboard unit again.
Obviously, it\'s not a problem if you don\'t lose the charger cable like me. So -don\'t lose it.
Always good advice, well, almost anything. ]
Battery life is long and you don\'t have to charge yoga regularly like other tablets, although I have a small problem when you do.
When the device is turned off and charged, it does not say when the battery is charged.
Instead, it just shows the charging icon.
All in all, Lenovo Yoga is a very interesting entry into the world of Android tablets, which offers several unusual features.
This may not be for power users, and there are some small question marks, but the battery life is amazing due to the low cost of the 10-inch tablet, which is a unit worthy of serious consideration.
Lenovo MIIX 2 8 \"(Windows)
Lenovo Miix 2 is the company\'s new range of Windows tablets, the first of which has an 8 \"display and runs on Windows 8.
1 on Intel Quad Core Atom processor.
Small and light-
In the iPad Mini series, for a sense of perspective --
About 12 ounces.
Good equipment-
Made with a solid feel, it was booked soon.
The display, though, is clearer than the higher one.
End Retina Display-
Type units with only 1280x800 resolution.
The video was running smoothly and occasionally a bit choppy, though I suspect it was my WiFi connection at the time as it was not usually an issue.
Of course you might use the headphone jack for audio, but I find it respectable to have a rear stereo speaker for such a device, although the volume can\'t be high, so unless the room is quiet, otherwise it may be hard for you to hear. (
This is not a problem if you use headphones.
There\'s a strange, very slight half.
There will be a second delay when plugged in the headset, but after that the sound and volume are good. )I quite-
Like the tablet, though I doubt its advantages in this small 8 \"configuration.
Although it can be used for typing, and in-
On-screen keyboard, you just need to do this for your notes.
In addition, with such a small device, there is no way to have a complete
USB port size, a big selling point for Windows tablets, but full USS is almost limited to 10 \"and larger models.
Lenovo has only one standard Micro usb slot.
Still, a month after testing the device initially, I met Lenovo\'s new accessories at CES --
It protects the tablet and provides built-inin keyboard.
I just did some small tests but was impressed.
It may be too small for a chubby finger, and for others you may not want to type with it because it is small. But -
This is an important \"\"you could.
I find it quite comfortable to type with a keyboard and I believe things will be better once I get used to them more.
To be clear, its use is not as gentle-sized keyboard.
But it is surprisingly available in a limited way.
Here is a better statement.
If you want a big, fast and simple keyboard, it\'s not it --
But if you want a small tablet, know that this keyboard will allow you to do real work on it. All 8-inch models (
Operating system or something
For email, browsing the internet, and watching videos, it makes me feel like the best and not working.
The biggest advantage of Windows tablets is that they are Windows-
You can run Office and install any Windows program, you can do the actual work, not just communication and entertainment.
But while it is certainly possible to use a large number of Windows programs on this Lenovo 8 \", it is much easier to use on the 10\" tablet. The 8\" Lenovo (as with any 8\")
Lost many of the advantages of Windows tablets.
The specifications are strong.
It comes with 2 gb of memory and has a Li-
Polymer battery rated for 7 hours.
There is a 5MP rear camera and a 2MP front camera.
Some models also include SIM card slots.
Some good software was installed.
Evernote, Skype, Lenovo Cloud Storage, a trial version of Office Home and Student 2013, etc.
The price of the 32 gb Flash version is $299.
But given how much the operating system is used, I think it\'s very small for most serious needs. (
You can extend the content through the microousb slot mentioned above. )
The best 64 gb Flash model for me is $399.
I love Lenovo Miix 2 8 \"and the keyboard attachment allows me to do the real work, which is impressive.
But I think the Windows tablet is the best at 10 +.
It\'s better to type, and it allows for a USB port, and it\'s likely that there will be a more powerful processor. But -
If a small tablet is exactly what you want, if there is a tablet that allows you to do some basic work while away from home, it is essential, then an 8 \"Windows tablet could be a very good entry for Lenovo to get into the field.
But let me look at the 64 gb model.
* Read more from Robert J.
See Elisberg Industries for this or many other big and small things.
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