In a world of batteries, battery packs, and Chargers, Ryobi Tools combines connectors and sizes to keep them simple.All 18-Volt tools sold under the \"One\" product line accept the same battery, regardless of the tool type or date of purchase.Tools brought home from the store yesterday using the same 18-10 V battery packyear-old tools.The law on the provision of three varieties by liyoubi-Volt battery pack for its tools.Ryobi\'s range of tools include more than 40 by 18-Battery pack for voltage.Tools include standard power tools such as drill bits, saws, Sanders and trimmer.Other devices, however, use 18-Volt battery including vacuum cleaner, flashlight, radio and portable fan.The 18-The volt battery of the new device is compatible with the old battery, and the new battery is compatible with the old device.Nickel-cadmium battery is the value side of Ryobi 18volt batteries.They are heavier and larger and do not provide the impact of lithium ion batteries.However, you can buy two batteries and keep one on the charger for less than one high pricePerformance lithium ion battery.Compact lithium-ion batteries are ideal for work that doesn\'t give the tool much space.This is also useful for work done overhead.Weighing about a pound, 45% lighter than the nickel-cadmium option.Ryobi claims that its performance is 20% better than that of the nickel-cadmium battery pack, and the charging time is four times longer.At the time of release, the price of a compact lithium-ion battery is about $10 lower than the two batteries.A pack of nickel-cadmium batteries, but $40 less than an extended batteryLithium Ion battery life.The large capacity battery pack is the longest charging time in all Ryobi batteries.Despite being larger than the compact lithium ion battery, the mass battery weighs 1.6 lbs.--Less than 1.9-Lb nickel-cadmium battery pack.It is equipped with an oil meter that allows you to monitor the remaining power before the battery pack is dead.However, there is a price for this additional feature and higher charging capacity ---$89 per publication.