The Helmholtz Institute Ulm, Germany and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology are jointly developing magnesium-based energy storage technology. Magnesium batteries are a project (E-MAGIC) under the European Union's 'Looking forward to 2020' scientific research plan. The European Union has invested more than 6.5 million euros for this purpose, bringing together the expertise of 10 European scientific research institutions. If the project succeeds, it will be expected to replace Existing lithium-ion batteries.
Compared with traditional lithium ion batteries, magnesium batteries have more advantages. According to Professor Maximili Fechtner, deputy director of the Ulm Helmholtz Institute and the project leader, magnesium is one of the important candidate materials for the post-lithium strategy. Magnesium as an anode material allows higher energy Density, magnesium batteries are more efficient, cheaper and safer than lithium-ion batteries for energy storage. 'The wide availability of magnesium batteries plays a decisive role in promoting the development of electric vehicles and distributed energy storage technology.'
The Ulm Helmholtz Institute, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the German Aerospace Center cooperated on the E-MAGIC project to carry out research on the electrochemical concept of magnesium batteries And design. Scientists at the Helmholtz Institute in Ulm hope to help partners understand the obstacles and challenges at the material level and find new ways to solve current obstacles.
Dr. Zhirong Zhao, who is responsible for coordinating solid-state chemistry research, said that the special challenge facing magnesium batteries is the service life, which is currently the focus of research. However, magnesium batteries do have many attractive characteristics. For example, magnesium anodes do not form dendrites, and the electrochemical deposits on the electrodes can form needle-like structures in lithium-ion batteries, causing interference or even short circuits, while magnesium does not Similar problems, this is why we can use magnesium in the form of metal. Direct use of magnesium can increase the storage capacity of the battery and improve the performance of the battery.
In addition to higher safety and energy density, magnesium on the earth is about 3000 times more abundant than lithium, and recycling is easier. Therefore, magnesium batteries are cheaper than lithium-ion batteries and also help reduce the reliance on lithium raw materials in battery manufacturing.
As the European Union makes progress in the development of magnesium batteries, it will also help reduce dependence on Asian battery manufacturers and establish a competitive battery manufacturing industry in Europe .