The research center jointly established by China and Russia successfully increased the capacity of lithium-ion batteries used in mobile phones, notebook computers and electric vehicles by 15%, thereby reducing battery weight. Researchers at St Petersburg University of Technology (SPbPU) in Russia said that the improvement of battery efficiency is achieved by adding a solid electrolyte to the battery cathode or positively charged electrode. As a result, compared with the liquid electrolyte battery, the researchers successfully increased the battery capacity by 15%. According to the results presented at the scientific conference held in Qingdao, this result will also help reduce the overall weight of lithium-ion battery products. It is reported that the battery sample was developed by the 'New Energy Vehicle Technology Joint Innovation Center' established by China and SPbPU, and battery testing will also be carried out in the center's laboratory. Mr. Wang Tsinshen, SPbPU alumnus and director of new energy vehicles, said, “Improvement of cathode materials and functional additives is one of the main tasks of our joint research center.” He also said, “Under the framework of developing energy-saving technologies, clean energy and electric transportation, The results achieved by this center have accelerated the large-scale application of 'green technology' in real life.'