More and more families convert solar energy into solar energy or add solar panels as a way to reduce electricity bills.
For homeowners looking to install solar, a common question is how much power the solar panels can generate and what household appliances the solar or wind power can run.
Solar energy can be used in almost any household appliance.
Including TV, refrigerator, washing machine, computer, etc.
Also, most appliances today have an official energy efficiency rating, and if you buy it in the last few years, it will most likely be correctly designed to be the lowest energy consumption.
The amount of electricity generated by solar panels depends on the amount of light and sunlight they receive, the time of day and the weather.
The hottest time of the day produces a lot of energy, which usually coincides with the time you go out to work, so it consumes a lot less power.
So you need to store the excess energy.
There are two options here, one is the grid-connected system, the solar panel is connected directly to mains power, and the other is the battery-independent system that stores excess power.
Let\'s take a look at the pros and cons of each system.
Grid-connected system-
Using this method, the solar panels are connected together (
The more panels, the greater the power)
The array is then connected to the power supply.
The remaining energy generated is sold to power companies.
The inverter is used to convert the low voltage DC power supply to the main AC voltage.
This is an awesome system that, combined with reasonable energy use, can actually lead to zero electricity charges.
Independent Battery System-
In this way, the excess parts are stored in the battery for further use.
The surplus cannot be sold to the power company.
The more power you need, the more batteries you need, so this may not be fully powering the normal home, but it\'s a great way to reduce bills and save money.
As usual, using solar power requires some minor changes in the way we use electricity.
Simple things like turning on the TV when not in use can make sure you only use the power you need.
These habits are a great thing for your child and a great thing for the Earth.
Building your own solar panels or/turbines is much easier than you think, and there are some great resources online today that can help you through the process step by step.
You can start and run without time and money saving.