I just learned that I have 2005 Prius, 110,000 miles and need a new hybrid battery.
I bought a new car. everything is fine.
But the battery doesn\'t give us a distance of 150,000 or 180,000 miles, which we hope we can get rid.
Our dealer is willing to replace the battery pack with a new one for $3,500 (another dealer will charge $3,995 ).
I\'m not sure if the \"used\" battery makes sense to Prius, and I\'m not sure if we can find an experienced non-dealer to replace the battery.
Moving forward, does it make sense to put a new battery pack in the car we just paid? So essentially we\'re going to buy a known entity for $3,500, but it\'s a bitter pill!
Your suggestion won\'t freeze your shorts. The warranty for the battery pack is 100,000 miles and your keels are over 110,000.
You can still ask Toyota for help.
As far as we know, the Prius battery has reached 150,000 or 180,000 miles or more.
So, since you get less than you think you deserve, it\'s worth asking if Toyota is willing to help you and paying for some new battery packs.
They might tell you to get lost, but we\'re at a time when Toyota has some good --
Promoting quality issues may be more urgent than usual to satisfy existing customers.
If it doesn\'t help with the price, then you have two options.
One is to buy old battery packs from Prius in the event of an accident.
This is much cheaper and may be good for you.
But the trick is to find a knowledgeable person, find and test an old battery pack for you, and then install it safely and correctly.
If you would like to select this option, please go to the mechanic File (/Mechanics) on our website, enter your zip code, and then search for a highly recommended store that specializes in running toys.
Ask them if they have done this before and how it is resolved.
If there are any survivors
Because the Prius battery is very good, there is not much to do.
So in the end, your best option might be a new battery pack.
$3,500 is the right price.
But call because the price of these battery packs has been falling.
It\'s easy for you to earn 100,000 miles on a $3,500 investment.
You can also charge an extra $200 for your old Prius battery recycling.
Your dealer can tell you how to claim the money from Toyota.
Good luck Daphne.
My mechanic asked for $99 to replace the cabin air filter for my 2003 Subaru inland.
I decided to do it myself, but after searching for a filter for about $20 online, I was surprised by the lack of stepsby-
Step notes and comments to the effect that accessing the damn thing is a real project.
While I\'m fairly handy with tools, I\'m thinking now, instead of being the first person near me to try and sell a car with a dashboard intact, maybe you guys have some advice on whether this is one thing or notit-
Your own job, or should I go back to my mechanic and pretend that we have never discussed this before and ask him to do it. Thanks.
Pat, you can do it.
It is well known that some cabin air filters are difficult to use.
In fact, I used to talk to a mechanic and he told me that they never even did that at his dealership.
It\'s so huge, an hour-and-a-half, pain-in-the-butt. That\'s awful.
But it\'s the manufacturer\'s fault.
Since other automakers have advertised, it may feel the need to have a cabin air filter.
So it tells its engineers to put one in the ventilation system.
The engineers did their best to squeeze it in.
Fortunately for you, take the cabin air filter in your 03 Outback is right behind the glove box.
So all you have to do is take out the four screws and remove the glove box and the filter case should be there. It\'s a 10-minute job —for me.
Two hours for you.