
CTECHI is an expert in battery solutions, specializing in ODM, OEM, and SKD for energy storage, motive power, and consumer batteries.

Electricity Lesson

This is 5 of the 5 hands-Unit about invention and simple machine.Watch the static boost hair and separate salt and pepper, build and test circuits and switches using household materials, play video games to demonstrate how they cause electricity, and more!My course is for 3rd-The children of the fourth grade and their brothers and sisters.These are the classes I created to work with weekly family Schoolsop.
We meet 2 1/2 hours a week with 14 children under the age of 113.Use these fun lessons with your classroom, family, after-school lessons, camp or collaborationop!1.Pray.Read and discuss Col.1:16-17.God created everything.-Even all forms of energy.2.View simple machines.3.a.What do you think when you hear the word \"energy?What is energy?Energy is anything that can work.
Let the child repeat this definition.
Does work require energy?What can create energy?(Sun/sun, wind, water, steam, food, electricity, etc ).).What energy is the most abundant in this room?What is the electricity in this room?b.Read \"open, close\" by Melvin Berger \".4.Discuss static electricity.a.(Lift up the two socks and pretend they\'re stuck together.
) Ask the children if they can help with the laundry.When removing the clothes from the dryer, did they stick the clothes together and burst when they were pulled apart?Ask them if they have walked through the carpet, touched the door handle, and experienced a slight electric shock.Tell them that in both cases they have experienced the power of the electrons called static electricity.
What is the cause of static electricity?(Accumulation of charge) what generates charge?b.Explain that everything is made up of atoms.The atom consists of three parts.(Hold up 3 balls to play-doh.) The protons and neutrons are closely combined in the middle.
(Push the ball played 2-doh together.
) Electrons with negative electricity are held loosely.There are 3rd balls-The doh circle around the nucleus/proton sphere.They can easily move from atoms to atoms.(Grab a sock and play video games --Fly the ball off with socks.
By rolling together in the dryer, some of the electronics on the clothes rub onto other clothes.Break the shirt and socks.) By rubbing in the dryer, the socks can get extra electrons from the shirt.Q: \"What do you think will happen to the charge of the sock when it receives additional electrons?\\ \"[Socks generate negative electricity.
] \\ \"What do you think will happen to the charge of the shirt when it loses its electrons to the sock?\\ \"The shirt has become positively charged.Positive and negative mutual attraction.\\ \"What do you think will happen to the shirt with positive electricity and socks with negative electricity in the dryer?They will be attracted and glued to each other.Raise two socks.) \\ \"What do you think will happen when there are two objects with similar charges, such as two objects with negative electricity or two objects with positive electricity?Do they attract each other?\"[No, just like the charge repels from each other.
] (Let the two socks \"reject\" each other \".d.2,500 years ago, a Greek mathematician and astronomers named ThalesLess) notice the effect of static electricity first.He is polishing a piece of amber.Amber is a hardened sap or gum that looks like a yellow stone.
(If you have one, turn around the amber.
I used a necklace with Amber.
looking beads.
Thales found that the amber attracted dust particles after he rubbed the amber.Q: \"Know what you did to static electricity and why do you think the dust would stick to Amber?\"[The loose electrons are rubbed off the amber, so it becomes positively charged.Dust particles with negative electricity are attracted to Amber.
The amber of the Greek word is elecktron.
We got the electricity from here.
What is the cause of static electricity?(Accumulation of charge) what generates charge?2 Socks, 1 shirt, 3 small games in different colors-5.Static electricity is really fun!Let\'s see what you already know and what you can come up!-Give each child a balloon.Q. Can you demonstrate static electricity with this balloon?Children are allowed to make choices and try.
-If the children need ideas, tell them to rub the balloon on their clothes for about 30 seconds, and then put the balloon on his/her head, on someone else\'s head, or on his or her arms.They can also make it stick to the wall after rubbing on the hair or carpet.6.(Preparation: when the children play with balloons, put a small piece of paper in each place.
Shake some salt and pepper on each sheet.
-Let them make a hypothesis: What do you think will happen if static electricity is close to this salt and pepper?-Let\'s see if your assumptions are correct!Let them rub the balloon on their hair several times.Then let them take out the balloon a few inches from the salt and pepper mixture.Let them slow down until the mixture starts to move.
-Ask, what happens?Which starts moving first?Both pepper and salt are attracted by balloons with negative electricity, but the pepper will rise first.-Q. Why do you think this is happening?Because the pepper particles are lighter, they jump to the balloon first.When the balloon is closer to the mixture, the attraction increases.
In the end, this power overcomes the greater weight of the salt grains.Like pepper, salt will jump on the balloon now.-Q: Do you think the mixture of pepper and salt is separated by static electricity?Why?-Ask, so far, what do you know about static electricity?7.
Move to different areas and rub the balloon.(Salt and pepper interfere with the rolling of the jar.) Put an aluminum can on the table.Q, who can move the jar without blowing it, touching it, or touching the table?Let the kids take the time to see if they can figure out how to do it.
Tell the children that the current is the flow of electrons.The flow of electrons or currents is energy.Show the length of the copper wire and tell them that the current can flow through the wire like this.
Have everyone stand on two straight lines so they can be on one called \"Pass-the-Electron.\\ \"Arrange everyone to represent the wires on one line.\"Each of you is a copper atom in the length of the copper wire.
We have two lines, so each represents one.Give each child a ball/item that represents electronics.They are all balanced atoms now.Each atom has the same number of electrons.
-The number cannot be changed.
If an additional electron is added to the first atom at the end of the wire, it must push an electron away.Electrons jump to the next atom.c.Tell the kids you\'re starting.As a starter, you give the first person in the team on the right a ball/item.(Currently must always move to the right.The ball is an extra electron.He/she is carrying a negative current.Tell the first atom that he or she can\'t have two electrons.
He or she has to push the extra electrons to the next atom.Let the child pass/pass.Tell the next child in line that he/she has too many electrons now and has a negative charge and has to push an extra electron to the next atom, and so on.At the end of the line, additional electrons are discharged/discarded and the current stops.
See which \"line\" (line) allows electrons to pass through their line as quickly as possible.They just showed the flow of electrons.-Current.d.Q: \"How do you arrange yourself so that the flow of electrons does not end so that electrons do not drain at the end of the line?\"[Let them try to figure it out] but they should come to the conclusion that they need to get into a circle.Let the children rearrange themselves in a circle.
As a starter, give an electron item to an atom in a circle.Let the kids play Pass-the-Electrons again, see how fast they can make electrons flow.e.Q: \\ \"what if there is a gap in the wire?\\ \"Separate the two atoms into a circle so that the electrons cannot pass through.
You\'re short now.
Q: \"What happens to the flow of electrons?âx80x9d (It stops.f.Tell the kids there are two types of current, AC current and DC current.We have been demonstrating the DC current that represents the DC current.
Ask, what type of current did we demonstrate?The DC current always flows in the same direction to the right.Q, which direction is the DC current always going?g.AC is an AC circuit.\"Ask, what does AC mean ?\"?AC current can change the direction of its flow.
What will happen with AC current?Now they need to reverse the direction of the flow when you bring up \"AC.h.When the game is over, tell the kids another name for the loop journey like the one in the Pass --the-Electronics is a circuit.What is the circuit?As they have shown, in order to keep the electron flow moving, the electron must travel in a loop or circuit.
The circuit is the path through which the current flows.1 Project per child-All items of the same type--This can be held in the hands of the child, but large enough to pass quickly (tennis, stuffed animals, etc ).9.View current.Observe the battery, copper wire and bulb.
Each group will receive a D-core battery, a piece of 8 \\ \"insulated copper wire, and the end is stripped 1/2-1 inch per end, electronic tape, 1 threaded flashlight bulb.Together, they will design a way to light the bulb.Show the children the battery.Ask what it is.Batteries are also called dry batteries.Energy stored in the battery as the starter--It pushes the electrons into the wires to start the flow of the electrons.
The battery is like the starter in the game we just played.It will start to pass along the extra electrons.Divide the children into four groups.Give each group a D-cell battery.Let them take a closer look at the batteries and describe something about them.
Ask someone to read the warning on the label aloud.It is pointed out that there are chemicals in the battery that store energy.It says that it says small text while it says ad size 1.
5 volts.
The battery must push the pressure or force of the electron to be measured in volts.1.5 V is a very small force.Even if we work with these batteries, it won\'t hurt us.The voltage of the wall socket is 120 V.This force is sufficient to cause a very serious electric shock and to cause damage to one person.
2 wires are sent out in each group.
Let the children describe their attention to the wires.It is pointed out that the copper wire inside contains atoms that pass through electrons and carry current.Who stands for copper wire in the game we just played?[They did.
Assign a bulb to each group.
Ask the children to describe their attention to the light bulb.Tell them to look inside the bulb carefully.Ask if they can see very, very thin wires that connect the two wires.
When the light bulb lights up, this wire called filament will give a bright light.The filament is a very thin coil made of metal tungsten wire.The winding wire slows down the current and creates resistance for the current.
It gets very hot when the current flows through the wire-The temperature is as high as 2,700 degrees Celsius.It emits white light and heat.A bulb is a device that uses electronic flow to produce light.Everyone is now an electrical engineer.Their first task is to use their knowledge of the flow of electrons to design a circuit that lights up the bulb.
The circuit will contain the starter (battery), the device that uses electricity (bulb) and the wire to carry the current.There are many ways to arrange bulbs, batteries and wires to make circuits.(For students who need guidance: in some circuits, the button at the bottom of the bulb is in direct contact with the positive button on the battery.
On other devices, the wires can connect the bulb and the battery.After all the groups have successfully lit the light bulb, ask what all the circuits have in common.[The Wire is in contact with the battery and bulb, and the circuit is uninterrupted.
] In the absence of a gap between the battery, wires and bulbs, the flow of electrons is uninterrupted.Electrons can be moved by wires, light up bulbs, and complete their cycle journey or circuit.Q: \"What happens when you disconnect a wire?\\ \"[The Bulb went out.
) \\ \"Why is the light off?\\ \"The flow of [electrons] is interrupted in the circuit.Tell the kids they just created a simple circuit.Note: supplies not used in this event are listed below as they will be used for the next event.
You need 3 in each group-2d battery (must be a brand name like Duracell or Energizer ---Cheaper stores like Dollar General don\'t work), 2 8 \\ \"insulated copper wire, the end is peeled off 1/2-1 inch per end, electrical tape, 1 flashlight bulb (rated 1.5-10.Give each group an extra battery, 3 wires and a flashlight bulb to figure out how to light up 2 bulbs.Then the features of series and parallel circuits are pointed out.
The next challenge for all of our electrical engineers is to assemble a circuit that lights up two bulbs.Give extra batteries, bulbs and 3 wires to each group.After the kids are done, place 12 items in a straight line (any items used in the \"via electronics\" game ).
Tell them this is a series circuit.
Then take the same 12 items and put them in two parallel lines.This is a parallel circuit.Q: \"What kind of circuit did your group assemble: in parallel or in series?\\ \"Ask a group that assembled a series of circuits to unscrew one of the bulbs to see what happens.Both bulbs went out.] \\ \"Why are both bulbs out when only one bulb is screwed down?\\ \"[It creates a gap in the circuit.
] \\ \"What else do you notice about the bulb in the series circuit?\\ \"[They are darker than there is only one bulb in the circuit.] \\ \"In a series circuit, the current passes through 1 bulb and then through another bulb.If you add another bulb to the series circuit, what do you think will change the brightness of these bulbs?All the bulbs go dark.
Ask a group connected to a parallel circuit to twist one of the bulbs.(None of our groups did parallel circuits, so we rearranged a set of wires to show the parallel circuits.) Ask, \"What happens to another bulb?Does it go out?\"No, it\'s always on.
] \\ \"Why don\'t you think the other bulb is going off?\\ \"The current can still flow to it.] \\ \"The path of electricity when a bulb goes out.Is the bulb dimmer in a parallel circuit?No, they\'re all smart.
] The parallel circuit draws more energy from the battery than the series circuit, so the battery does not last long in the parallel circuit.It is mentioned that Christmas tree lights used to be wired in series circuits.Why do you think they don\'t design this anymore?If a light bulb burns out, the whole string is black.
The bad light bulb is going to change.
In order to find the bad bulb, you have to replace each bulb in turn until the whole string is lit again.If you have a string of Christmas lights that are connected to the circuit, please demonstrate.We don\'t have anything, so we can\'t.Now they are usually connected to parallel circuits.
Let\'s say that as an electrical engineer, your project is to design a wiring diagram for a nearby street lamp.Will you connect a street lamp with a series circuit or a parallel circuit?Why?[Parallel.If a light bulb burns, the other lights will be on all the time.
Every light bulb is very bright.
] What are the benefits of series street lights?This saves money.11.Create a circuit, an on/off switch.Show the children the flashlight.Turn on the flashlight, show the kids that two or more \"D\" cells are stacked inside and light up a bulb.It is noted that these batteries are arranged end-to-end in series circuits to provide more voltage.
Q: \"How many volts can a flashlight with two D cells provide?\\\" [1.5+1.5 = 3 volts] \\ \"how many volts can a flashlight provide, there are three 1.5-volt batteries?\\\" [4.5 V] if you have a flashlight, it has two batteries, end-to-end stacking in a series circuit, and the other flashlight has two batteries, connected side-by-side in a parallel circuit, which flashlight do you want the battery to last longer?Turn the flashlight on and off several times.
Ask what you use to turn the flashlight on and off?[A switch] ask if anyone can tell the material of the conductor in the flashlight.[Metal] The Switch uses a conductor to bridge the gap in the circuit and then interrupts.On/off switch for lights, TV, toaster, etc.
All work the same way.
Q: \"What happens to the circuit in the appliance when I turn on the switch?\\ \"[The conductor bridges the gap in the circuit and allows the current to flow.] \\ \"What happens when I turn it over?\\ \"[The conductor was moved out of the channel of electricity, so the flow stopped.] Two metal pins and a metal paper clip can be used to switch on the circuit they have built.
3 pushpins, 2 cardboard squares, a metal paper clip and a clothing clip are distributed to each group.Let each group take 2 wires (#1 and #2) and wrap the ends on each wire.Then fix the end of the wire firmly in D-with tape-cell battery.
Let each group slide the other end of line #1 under the pin.Press the nail on a piece of soft cardboard.Slide the other end of line 2 under another pin.
There should also be a paper clip under this pin.Press the pin firmly on the second piece of cardboard.The pushpin will fix the paper clip and the wire in the appropriate position.
Wrap one end of line #3 around the side of the flashlight bulb.Secure the wire firmly to the side of the bulb using a clothing clip.Fix the clothes in place with tape.The bottom of the bulb must hold down the pin connected to the battery through line 1.
Slide the other end of Line 3 with a pin.
Press the pin on the cardboard near the free end of the paper clip.What do electric bulbs do?There\'s a switch in the circuit you built.The switch is a paper clip that can connect Line 2 to line 3.
You can turn off the circuit by turning the paper clip so that it touches two pins.Turning off the circuit allows the charge to move from the battery to the bulb through line 1.From there, it can flow to the switch via wire #3.
It can be moved back to the battery via Line 2.To turn on the circuit, just turn the paper clip so it doesn\'t hit two pins.This creates a gap circuit.From one end of the battery to the other, charging no longer flows along the wire.
The light bulb went out.
(Science project on electricity and magnetic excitation from Robert Gardner34.We do find that fixing wires with tape is better than using rubber bands.Flashlight required for D core Battery, 2 pushpins or brass brads per set, 2 thick cardboard squares, foam board or foam plastic tray (about 4 \\ \"x4 \\\") 1 Metal clip per group (make sure there is no plastic at the end )!12.
Make the bar and discuss Morse code.
The light switch can be turned on and off quickly to flash the signal.Can someone think of a switch that can turn something off and on quickly?[Doorbell] ask: \"What do you think will happen when you press or press the doorbell button?\\ \"[Conductor connection makes the circuit complete, ringing or buzzer work.We can make a simple pressure switch with aluminum foil as a conductor.
Show a pre-The tapper switch (I.
You use the cardboard of aluminum foil) ask: \\ \"if you stick the end of the 2 wires in the circuit to these 2 aluminum foil, and then stick the 2 aluminum foil together, what do you think will happen?Can aluminum foil complete the circuit?Change a paper clip switch for each group and replace the paper clip switch.When the group is wired in the pressure switch, ask if they can turn the bulb on and off quickly.Referring to more than 150 years ago, Samuel Morse invented a device that sent coded signals using a pressure switch called a tapper switch.
This device is called Telegram.
(If you have extra time) discuss the Morse code and let the kids try to signal.O.Send each other using their tapper signal.If you can make a telegraph machine in advance, you can let the children try it.
(We tried to make a telegraph machine, but we couldn\'t stop the paper clip sticking to the nail.I do not include links to the directions we are trying to follow.Maybe you will be more successful than us.
5 pieces of cardboard (about 12 \\ \"x1 \\\"), each end is wrapped in aluminum foil and fixed with adhesive tape.Fold the cardboard in half so that the aluminum foil strips come into contact.13.Review what we have learned.Liam O \\ \'donnell\'s graphic science is my favorite book about electricity.
It is written in comic book style and is good at explaining all aspects of power in an engaging way.Anastasia Suen\'s illustrations are great, so even my 3 year old can sit on the books and read them.Elizabeth Laschi is an excellent picture book biography of Nicola Tesla, who fought with Thomas Edison, using communication as a practical means of delivering electricity and wiring the 1893 Chicago World Expo.
Rosalyn shangze is my children\'s favorite book about the Benjamin Franklin lightning experiment.Not only did it discuss this, it also included many of his other inventions and experiments.The author did a good job of verifying the facts.
(From Science) Jeff Warlin\'s work is great if you have preschool children.My 3 year old likes this cat!This is a simpler explanation.A cat turns on the windshield wiper and a bird explains how this happened (electricity) and why you need to be careful with electricity.
Rae Bains will be another good option for group reading.It briefly explains electronics, static electricity, battery power, circuits, conductors, insulators, and lightning.Each page has good illustrations and enough text, and even my 5 year old is still interested.
It\'s a bit outdated, though.
You will introduce your child to record the player.Barbara Suling\'s explanation is great and the illustrations are lovely, so my 3 year old can also sit on the book and read.Jacqui Bailey\'s \"works of science\" has good illustrations and explanations.
Ian Graham wrote a long picture book that includes the history of electricity.It has humorous illustrations and good explanations.The shocking story of the electricity: the Internet (Young reading) quoted by Anna clerborn has good illustrations and interesting texts.
When you study the slopes and wedges, let the car drive along the ramp, build and test the slingshot when you study the levers and screws, and create the waterwheel when you study the wheels and axles, when you learn gears and pulleys, lift each other with pulleys, lift hair with static electricity and separate salt and pepper when you learn electricity, design Rube Goldberg machine, put toothpaste on toothbrush, instead of touching any one of the toothbrushes, appear on the famous inventor, in this exciting 6-part workUnit research on simple machines and inventions!-This is the first part of 5 hands.Simple machine and unit on invention.Drive the car down the ramp, compare carrying your luggage with pulling your luggage out of the bevel, using wedges to cross the apple, etc!-This is the second part of the 5 part handUnit about invention and simple machine.Manufacture and test pop-up windows, lift adults using levers, test screws for various threads, and more!-This is the third part of the 5-part hand.
Unit about invention and simple machine.
Build and test water trucks, make wheel cookies using cylinders, carry out friction experiments with Matchbox cars, compare the mechanical advantages of bicycles for adults and children, and much more!-This is the fourth part of the 5-part hand.Unit about invention and simple machine.Build and test the pulley and play with the pulley tugboatof-War, learn how the clock works, and so on!-This is 5 of the 5 hands-Unit about invention and simple machine.Watch the static boost hair and separate salt and pepper, build and test circuits and switches using household materials, and play video games to demonstrate how.
..-Including presentations by our students of famous inventors made according to our 5 parts hands-onUnit about invention and simple machine.They also sang simple machine songs and ate simple machines.themed lunch.(Recipes are provided.) The field trips we took part in this unit were also included.
Do you want to teach this every day?I use the Konos course as a springboard to plan my course.This is a great course created by mom and active boys!If you are new to home school or need some new guidance, I highly recommend the Konos home school tutor.com program!Watch the video-What to do every day and how to teach it in this great hand --on format!.

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