In the face of increasing pressure to reduce the carbon footprint, companies are looking for new ways to reduce emissions to promote worker safety, improve the company\'s image and save money.
To achieve this, some facilities have abandoned propane or diesel forklifts, switched to electric vehicles, and used battery management systems to ensure that efficiency and profits remain at a high level.
Without another terrible report on climate change environmental disasters, it seems that the dangers of greenhouse gases cannot pass by for a day, but let\'s not forget all the other negative effects of carbon emissions.
Poor air quality is associated with respiratory problems such as branch inflammation and asthma in children in their 1950 s.
Recent studies have shown that poor air quality is associated with lung cancer and other cancers, and poor air quality is associated with short life span.
Forklift drivers and warehouse workers are more vulnerable to these health problems as they are close to the source.
This is a particularly serious problem in the indoor space, but even the outdoor work area can be dangerous.
The emissions do not dissipate immediately, so the level of hazardous pollutants faced by local workers is much higher than that of the general population.
Even if electric forklifts are better for the environment and workers than diesel or propane trucks, the return on investment will be high and it will cost money to convert into new technologies.
Managers must be able to justify the bottom line of the company.
It turns out that this does not require any reason, because especially given the recent surge in fuel prices, electric forklifts are cheaper to run than other technologies.
Managers should treat conversion as an investment rather than as a cost.
With the purchase of the new forklift and the implementation of the battery management system, there will be initial costs, but fleet operating costs will decline in the first month of new car use.
Some state governments and other organizations offer rebates to pay for conversion costs.
In the long run, electric cars will save rather than spend the company\'s money.
It is good to build the system profit, but it is better to maximize the profit.
The fleet manager should plan ahead to implement the battery management system to provide maximum productivity at the lowest cost.
For example, most fleets have found that vehicles that use battery lifts to replace batteries to the site are more effective than having trucks enter the central charging area.
A well-designed battery management system can extend the service life of the battery, thus reducing the cost of the battery.
Maintenance includes not only the appropriate charging schedule, but also the removal of corrosion that affects battery performance.
Third-party contractors offer battery cleaning, but most fleets will find it cheaper to buy their own washing machines and handle them at home.
Electric cars are better for the environment, better for the workers, and better for the company\'s profits.
Do not continue to use outdated technologies.
With an efficient battery management system, priority is converted to an electric forklift.