We propose an operational study of a combined scan X-lithium ion battery
Ray diffraction (SXRD)
Synchronous Radiation X-
Ray tomography (SRXTM)
For the first time.
The combination of this technique helps to study the dynamic processes of lithium-ion batteries containing amorphous and/or weakly attenuated active materials.
Although amorphous materials pose a challenge to diffraction techniques, the weak decay material system presents a challenge to attenuation
Contrast tomography
In addition, the combination of ssem and SRXTM can be used to correlate the processes that occur on the water level of the active material lattice with the processes on the electrode microstructure scale.
To demonstrate the benefits of this method, we have studied the lithium metal semi-silicon powder electrode
Cell configuration.
Combined with sxtm and SRXTM, we are able (i)
Quantify the dissolution of lithium metal electrodes and the expansion of silicon electrodes ,(ii)
A better understanding of the formation of the Li15Si4 phase, and (iii)non-
Kinetic limitations of invasive probes in silicon electrodes.
A simple model based on the 1D diffusion equation enables us to qualitatively understand the observed dynamics and explain why high
The capacity electrode is more prone to uneven lithium reaction.
We built an electrochemical battery shell ()for X-
Ray measurements performed in transmission geometry.
The battery can consist of two arbitrary electrodes placed between two stainless steel current collectors.
The upper current collector is connected to a conductive spring-
The loaded probe pin can adapt to the volume change of the electrode during operation and ensure good
The pressure determined and good electrical contact throughout the experiment.
The battery shell is made of ether ketone (PEEK)
An organic thermoplastic polymer with excellent mechanical and chemical properties.
The battery investigated here is half.
Unit consisting of 200 u2009 μm-
Thick silicon powder electrode with diameter of 1.
5mm, the active mass is 175 μg, and the glass fiber separator is 250 μm (
Fiberglass filter)
And lithium metal electrodes (
Alpha Aesar, lithium foil, 999%).
30 l standard LP50 electrolyte for sample (
1: 1 ethylene carbonate: Diester carbonate, BASF)
And assembled in customization
Make batteries in ar
Fill the glove box (Ou2009