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Catapults! Models, History, Unit Study Activities, And Kits!

A Flamer is a device that usually has a great power to throw or throw objects at a distance.The bullet car, which dates back to around 399 BC, is mainly used to destroy or build an opening on the walls of the castle or the walls of the fortified city to allow the invading army to enter.Sometimes they are also used to throw burning missiles and other items on the castle or wall.
In the free Slingshot unit study on this page, I included some classes and activities on architecture, experiment and understanding of leverage and slingshot.A brief history of the bullet box and a brief description of the main categories of the bullet box are also provided.If you are interested in buying a slingshot kit or trying to make a slingshot model with materials around the house, you will find some recommended models below!I hope you find this page interesting and it\'s fun to make some of your own pop-up windows!Most of the ejection activities below can be carried out at home SchoolFix the classroom, or at home.
My son and I did something like this at our family School.Op, some are with a friend in the park, others are at home.You are free to choose classes and activities that meet your or your child\'s needs.
Of course, it is not necessary to finish all this!Learn how pop-up windows work!Most pop-up windows have levers, and the lever is a simple machine!Simple machines help us work by enlarging or changing the direction of forces.This is 6 simple machines. (it\'s really a kind of slope!MiKids.A good description of the six simple machines and a lot of photos are provided!(Visit the link under \"activity\" on this page and find the photo!Introduce different types of simple machines to children or children and discuss how each machine is used.
Next, give the child some simple machines (screwdriver, pliers, etc ).), Or photos of simple machines, let them sort, put the lever in a pile, tilt the plane in another pile, and so on.As an alternative activity, allow children to walk around, find simple machines and identify them for you!If they are having trouble finding some kind of simple machine, give them some tips.
Provide students with a variety of tools to use, such as rulers, yard sticks, plastic spoons, pencils, and fun noodles (the kind you play in the pool ), and asked them to choose one.Next, give each student a marshmallow and let them not eat!Put a box on the floor a few feet away and instruct the children to try and use their tools to throw marshmallow into the box.The rule is this: one end of their tool must always be on the desktop.
There is no need to use the word \"leverage\" with students.Simply let them explore what their \"tools\" can do.After trying it a few times, you may want to allow them to trade the tools and try again.
Let the children discuss which tools and techniques are most effective and why to complete the course.The children of our family SchoolOp had a great time at this event!Lesson 2B: a huge balance board is a great way to experience the power of leverage in person!While having fun on this large balance board, we talked about the fulcrum and experienced firsthand what the lever looks like!On this big lever we do various experiments like if you have two people on one side and one on the other to explore where everyone needs to stand to balance the board.What happens if there are four people on one side and one slowly goes down the ramp to the other?What if everyone starts in the middle and one goes to the side?What if everyone starts at one end and goes one by one to the other?When will the board balance?When will the board tip?Of course, most people can\'t get a large balance board like this, but you can sit in different places on the seesaw to explore the same concept (be careful where to sit, that way you won\'t get squeezed or hurt ).
Lesson 3: Make a miniature working pop-up window....No direction!Critical thinking, art and physics class of two!We often provide information to children and hope they can remember it.We often forget to encourage them to think for themselves!At our family SchoolOp, I taught a class on critical thinking for middle school students and high school students.
Every week, I challenge them to finish without direction!In order to learn teamwork and communication, young people often work together in two or three teams.After all, as adults, don\'t most of them need to work with others?They plan together how to complete the challenge and then they start to do so.Sometimes they have to revise their plans on the go, but it\'s all part of learning!The following lesson is what we do in the critical thinking class.
The students absolutely love it!!To be honest, I don\'t need to give them any instructions at all on how to make pop-up windows!I like to observe them in action and how creative and intelligent these young people are!Here, a team of two is creating a pop-up window through their own plans.(We had this lesson on Halloween, so one of the boys was wearing his ninja costume!The activity can be carried out separately or in groups of two or three.It could be more interesting and educational if at least two pop-up windows were built (although they can be built by the same person, or mom and dad can join in, if you don\'t have any other children attending the event ).
Collect all kinds of materials (straws, rulers, plastic spoons, rubber bands, ropes, popsicles, small paper cups, a roll of masking tape per team, paper clips, a few index cards, scissors, etc., Plus marshmallow as a rock ).Each student or team will make and test their own slingshot.Tip: When I do this kind of activity in our family SchoolOp, I like to prepare the gallon size self-sealing bag in advance, and all the supplies that each team needs.
This way, you can simply give each team a pack and don\'t have to waste class time to allocate supplies!Since this is a lesson in critical thinking, don\'t give instructions on how children can build pop-up windows.Let them come up with their own plans!I suggest giving them about 20 to 30 minutes to design and re-design their pop-up windows if needed.Allow them to use as much or as little material as you can provide.
Each cartridge should be unique!When the time is up, let them launch the pop-up window one by one.Maybe every team should try it three times?Which slingshot can shoot the farthest marshmallow?What is that slingshot that seems to make it so effective?If you put a box on the floor, can any pop-up window hit a \"hole\" with marshmallow?Which magazine has the best aiming effect?Why?This is one of the kids-Designed a model of a team of three young people working together in our family Schoolop made.In this lesson, the children will have a better understanding of how the bullet box works and learn critical thinking and teamwork skills (through design and collaboration ), and Physics (what needs to be changed in order for marshmallow to fly further ).
In addition, each pop-up window will be an artwork!Lesson 4: Build a slingshot model from the kitExperiment with it!While making your own cartridge without any direction (in the lesson above) is a wonderful introduction to the cartridge, a stronger, more professional cartridge will allow you to do furtherThere are many kits available for making slingshot.The car we bought has everything we need to make a Slingshot machine, including small pieces of wood, wood glue, written instructions and a few other small items that can launch soft packs once you build a slingshot.We made this Slingshot in about an hour and then let it dry overnight.
(The instructions say let it dry for 12 hours.The next day, the whole family participated in the experiment of the shell.1.We tried a variety of objects as missiles (cotton balls, marshmallows, rubber balls of different sizes and weights, etc.
) to guess which one is the farthest and then try to find out the answer.2.The kit comes with a lot of extra wood blocks, so we try to add more wood blocks to the bottom, forcing the lever arm to stop faster, in order to find out what angle works best for our slingshot.Is there a difference between 5 blocks (which causes the lever arm to stop faster) and one block (which allows the lever arm to go up all the way?Would it change more to increase the number to 8 blocks?3.
The Slingshot kit came with a target on the floor and we tried to get our bean bag (the bean bag that came with the kit) and had a good time dropping on the target after playing from the PinerWe also tried to shoot small rubber balls from the Slingshot (we already have) to knock down the block (including the kit) and we set it up like a domino!An excellent slingshot kit!-This is the ejection kit we purchased and used for the experiment.This is the kit we buy, manufacture and use for experiments.Good results!Slingshot are solid and quite easy to make!Children of primary school age may need some help, but secondary and high school students may build kits with little help.
(Sometimes it is helpful to have one person hold the wood while the other person sticks the wood.By the way, I noticed a customer review on Amazon saying it would take four days to build the kit.It\'s really unnecessary.About an hour later my son built it and then let the glue dry overnight.
We found no need to let the glue dry overnight between each step...Only at the end.After completing a part that needs to be glued, he puts it aside while working on the next part.When the second part is finished, the first part is already dry enough.
This is our result.
of course, your result may be different.
...But we didn\'t have any problems and found this kit to be awesome!Amazon has quite a few slingshot kits for sale.Here are four of them.I don\'t have any experience with the four listed here because we bought the one mentioned above.If I buy another kit, it may be one of the Stone machine kits just because it is different from the other kits we have built so far.
Installation of stone throwing machineThis cartridge is made by the same company that we purchased and used the cartridge.You can change the throwing of the device stone throwing machine by changing the weight.Try to see how you can change the ball\'s travel distance, and then try to knock down the small board (including) with the launched ball with your stone throwing machine ).
In ancient times, areas often invaded other areas in order to gain land or wealth.Everyone wants what others have!To conquer others and acquire their own resources.Positive attack.battle-Bows and arrows, sticks and spears.
On the other hand, when an army is behind the walls of a castle, Fortress or walled city, the siege takes place.Conquered the castle with different techniques.During the blockade, the invading army surrounded the castle to prevent material entry.
However, sometimes the people in the castle have more supplies than the invading army, so they can stick to it for a longer time!Other times, threats or bribes were used in order for the other party to surrender.Spies are used sometimes.If these methods do not work, the invasion of the army may be forced to attack the castle itself.It\'s not an easy thing because the stone walls of the castle are a few feet thick!A strategy to conquer the castle is to dig tunnels under the walls.
Another strategy is to remove enough dirt from under the wall to make it collapse.Obviously, it took quite a long time for both methods!There is also a way to take advantage of tall, movable towers.The tower with a ladder inside will roll to the wall, and then the bridge will be put down from the other side.
The soldiers can then climb the tower easily and quickly, cross the wall and run off the bridge!Other techniques to conquer the castle include blowing up the castle wall with various types of missiles!The pop-up window came in from there!The first Slingshot looks very similar to the large crossbow and uses many of the same techniques.The bullet car that dates back to about 399 BCE is the tension bullet car.The pull pop-up window shoots out heavy darts (called bolts) and works by bending a bow that is usually made of animal horns or wood.
While they are powerful, their drawbacks include the time it takes to load and launch them, and the size they are large and heavy.About 340 BCE started using the torque pop-up window.The torque pop-up window uses a spring made of a rope as power.
Some people also throw weapons on both sides of the slingshot.Various types of torque Slingshot machines have Mangonels and Onagers.The bow string is pulled back when the winch opens this reversing popup window, which will pull back to the throwing arm, thus tightening the rope.
When the pin is pulled out, the rope is loosened and the bolt is shot forward.First, the Chinese army began to use about 600 to 900 CE, but it did not start to be widely used until about 1200 CE.In a gravity pinator, heavy objects are attached to one end of the lever arm.
When heavy objects fall, the other end of the lever swings up quickly, throwing a rock or other object at the high arc of the castle wall.In the figure of this stone throwing machine, the sling currently holds the rock or other ammunition in the position of rising.One side with a sling on the arm will be pulled down to increase the weight of the other end of the arm.
When the weight drops, the sling side of the arm will fly up in an arc, releasing the contents of the sling and throwing them from the air.About 800 CE, traction pop-up window became popular.These Slingshot machines are more like our Slingshot machines today because they have levers that are pulled down and then released to shoot rocks from a distance.
Compared to stone (maybe 200 pounds or more !)) These Ballista bolts are thrown by onagers, trebuchets or mangonels and are relatively light in weight!During World War I, grenades hit the enemy\'s trenches through pop-up windows and crossed \"no man\'s land \".In this photo taken on 1943, an amphibious aircraft was just launched from a bullet-mounted vehicle on the Royal Navy\'s Bermuda.* Please note that this is not a complete and detailed description of ancient and modern war technologies and weapons.
The whole book has been written on this topic.This section is just a simple overview.For more information, read good books about pop-up windows, such as pop-up art, or visit one or more of the following websites.The instructions for using these small pop-up windows are free online.
Fly head in directionPopsicles, rulers, long rubber bands, pencils, a roll of masking tape and scissors.2.Make a Ballista pop-up windowThe Ballista cartridge is a Greek cartridge that has two vertical twist Springs (there are two vertical white ropes on this cartridge ).The picture shows two different views of the Ballista shell we made.
The Ballista pop-up window has a bow string and throwing arm, shooting darts instead of stones.We rolled a piece of paper and stuck it together.3.Build the direction of this Onager slingshot.
The Onager popup window uses Twisted ropes to generate the force that pushes the lever arm forward.It\'s a torque magazine.To make this Onager slingshot, you need popsicles, ropes, hot glue guns and glue sticks, a piece of paper, tape and scissors.Note: Although it\'s not quite true, if you can\'t give enough strength to the twisted cord, you may want to wrap a rubber band around the base and turn it around.
Another working shell modelThis one can be done in a few minutes!and mini-Just follow the simple directions on youtube and you can prepare your slingshot launch in five minutes or less!At the end of youtube, it is recommended that you try out how to improve your slingshot.In addition, a short course on leverage was offered.Small weapons of mass destruction: tools to create a ball-spraying warDo you want to make a vest?How about siege or Viking slingshot?The book includes step-by-step instructions for 35 devices, some of which are Slingshot, darts, slingshot, mini-bombs and burning shooting games.
There is a little stone machine, you can use D-Battery and paper clip.You make a small \"bomb\" with a penny and something else \".There is a coin shooter, a simple crossbow, a bow and arrow pen, a water bomb, a matchbox bomb, a hat clip, a siege clip, table tennis zooka, and more!Optional directions are provided for some projects to connect the laser pointer line of sight to the device to help improve its accuracy!These are some kids from our family School.
Op also has a lot of fun while learning!My daughter made this big pop-up window with some of her high school friends.It takes a lot of experiments and redesign, but they learn a lot from it!They did the whole thing on their own, from planning to Saw (supervised by adults), to assembly, to testing, redesign, testing and redesign, and so on...Okay, you see!They launched a tennis ball.
One of my readers left me comments on snow in my guestbook.He thought we were snowball with a slingshot!Yes, in these pictures, snow is everywhere on the ground, but it\'s a tennis ball and we push along the driveway with our slingshot!Although snowballs will be interesting, the snow we ate that day is not the type to make snowballs

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