will lithium-ion batteries power cars?

by:CTECHi     2020-02-05
The cost and longevity of Tesla sports cars is equivalent to 256 miles per gallon.
Just plug it in overnight and you can drive 250 miles (402 kilometers)
No gas station.
But there\'s a problem. -
The retail price of 2009 is over $100,000.
Part of this high price is the stylish sports car design and amenities, as well as the ability to go from 0 miles to 60 miles per hour in less than 4 seconds ---
Acceleration in one of the best-
Perform a petrol sports car.
But this power is not cheap. In fact, Li-
Ion batteries are 4 to 5 times more expensive than nickelmetal-Hydrogen [source: Popely]. Since the car-
Capable packaging costs between $10,000 and $15,000 per piece, finding cheaper alternatives will be the main obstacle for auto companies to sell [1]source: Popely].
There is also a problem with battery life.
Like the AA battery you put on the TV remote control, Li-
The ion battery will eventually run out of power.
Even if you don\'t use them, they start to degrade as soon as they are made.
You can top them up, but the number of times is limited.
It\'s like trying to fill a can of water, and every time it\'s used, the little holes in the water get bigger and bigger.
We measure the life of the battery during the cycle life, or the number of times you can run out of the battery, charge it, and use it again. With Li-
Ion battery, completely-from 100%-
Charging the battery will make your personal cycle life longer, but will reduce the total number of cycles you get from it.
For this reason, Tesla sports car does not allow you to re-
More than 95% of the original charge or let it leak below 2% [
Source: Eberhard and Straubel].
In addition, the company expects the battery pack to Last 100,000 miles, or five years.
At this point you have to replace the battery.
As with security issues, researchers are looking for a longer period of time
Durable lithium alternatives.
Nanotechnology seems to be leading the trend of potential solutions again.
On 2006, Altair nanotechnology announced that they had discovered a new type of material that would go well beyond Li-
Charge faster ion batteries at the same price, called [titanium lithium]source: Bullis].
Phoenix Motor, a Canadian car company, owns 100-And a mile.
Toshiba has also launched a fastcharging Li-
Ion batteries originally used for bicycles and construction vehicles, and ultimately want to test on [cars]source: MSNBC].
On June 2008, Toyota also announced a joint venture with the company currently producing hybrid batteries to develop Li-
Ion batteries before 2009source: Kim].
So much energy goes into Li
The development of ion batteries, in the near future, they are very likely to refuel our cars.
For more information and related information about tomorrow\'s car, please visit the link below.
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