What are the types of new energy vehicles

by:CTECHi     2021-09-24
With the rapid development of modern technological society, many technological products have begun to advocate the use of environmentally friendly and pollution-free energy sources, such as solar water heaters, electric water heaters, battery cars, new energy buses, and new energy vehicles. These are the use of electric energy or solar energy, which is converted into kinetic energy to provide to the machine and make the machine operate. In addition, in recent years, with the continuous improvement of people's economic conditions, many families will want to buy a scooter by themselves for the convenience of transportation. Owning a car can indeed bring us a lot of convenience, but there are also many users who hesitate when buying a car because they don't know how to choose the car that suits them. There are countless models on the market, such as manual transmission and automatic transmission, as well as SUVs, sedans, fuel vehicles, new energy vehicles, and so on. So the question is, among the many types of cars, are new energy vehicles good or not? What is it like, and how is it different from a car? How to make a choice when buying a car? New energy vehicles are mainly divided into pure electric vehicles, extended-range electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, fuel cell electric vehicles, hydrogen engine vehicles, and other new energy vehicles. Let's talk about pure electric vehicles first. They are relatively simple and can be started as long as the battery is used. So as long as it can be recharged, it can keep driving. Of course, such shortcomings are also obvious. The battery capacity is limited and cannot support long distances, and this type of battery is generally more expensive. Extended-range electric vehicle refers to a vehicle in which the drive system is composed of two or more single drives that can operate at the same time. Its advantage is that it is different from a pure electric vehicle. Because the internal combustion engine can continue to work and the battery can be charged, the travel distance is similar to that of a traditional car. However, because the system is relatively complicated, if it is a long-term driving, the fuel-saving effect is not obvious. Fuel cell electric vehicles use the chemical reaction of hydrogen and oxygen to convert chemical energy into electrical energy, so it almost achieves nearly zero pollution emissions. This is exactly what many technological products want to achieve, but due to the high cost of fuel cells, few companies still use them. Hydrogen engine cars use fuel gas. Although it also achieves almost zero pollution emissions like fuel cell vehicles, the cost is also very high. The more popular ones on the market now are the above-mentioned new energy vehicles. In general, new energy vehicles have the following advantages and disadvantages compared with traditional vehicles. Advantages: Nearly zero pollution emissions have led to the unlimited number of new energy vehicles. Now that the number restriction has become the norm, traditional fuel vehicles are facing the embarrassment of the number restriction. The noise is small. Compared with traditional cars, the noise and vibration level of electric motors during operation is much smaller than that of traditional cars. Energy saving. According to statistics, the energy consumed by traditional cars per hour is much higher than that of new energy cars. If you encounter traffic jams and other detentions, the energy-saving effect will have to be magnified. Disadvantages: difficult to charge, slow to charge. At present, the domestic charging facilities are not perfect, and sometimes the charging has to go outside to charge. The lack of charging piles in public places has seriously affected the travel of electric vehicles. In addition, most charging piles currently only charge slowly, and it takes 5-10 hours to fully charge. Even if you can rest and charge at night, if you encounter any unexpected situations, this drawback will be infinitely amplified. The cruising range is short. It should be known that with a few exceptions, there are too many pure electric vehicles in new energy vehicles, and the maximum cruising range does not exceed 300 kilometers. However, our domestic requirements for endurance are generally relatively high, so pure electric vehicles are at most only used as a means of commuting to work. The above is summarized by the editor, the advantages and disadvantages of new energy vehicles, and the differences from traditional vehicles. It can be said that they all have their own advantages and strengths. But then again, the development of new energy vehicles is far from fully realizing modern society, and everyone uses new energy. After all, the shortcomings of new energy vehicles lie there, in terms of charging and battery life. It's difficult enough. As for buying a car, it still depends on how the individual uses the car to make a decision. If you often run long distances, then new energy vehicles are definitely not suitable for you; if it is similar to working at work, just using the car as a means of transportation, plus now there are subsidies for buying new energy vehicles, then new energy vehicles are Your better choice. Although fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles are not the most perfect vehicles, each has its own advantages and disadvantages, but with the rapid development of technology, there will definitely be a vehicle that can satisfy people’s daily life in all aspects in the near future. car.
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