
this diy soft-circuit military tech lets you power electronics using your clothes

by:CTECHi     2020-01-10
It turns out that the popularity of soft circuit electronics has leaked out of the network and fell into the hands of the United StatesS. military.
Soft circuit electronics allows you to sew electronic circuits into fabric using flexible guide wires instead of wires.
Soft circuits can be used for all kinds of interesting projects, such as TVB-
The hoodie and heartbeat were missing.
However, the military coordinator class is looking at ways to charge the radio, flashlight, remote control, night vision goggles and anything else they can cram into the back of the soldier.
With a fully integrated charging system, just put the gadget in a specific pocket and charge it while walking.
In addition, all countless devices can be run on one battery to simplify charging and reduce messy wiring.
Today, we will show you some basic knowledge of soft circuit electronics to provide you with the knowledge you need for the upcoming resistors.
For demonstration purposes, I will show you how to light up the LED using a 9 V battery.
From night vision to RFID tags to GPS map clothing, you can use this technology to create any type of circuit.
I decided to light up this old fabric with my website logo.
Step 2 additional BatteryI uses this metal 9 v clip because it has a lot of holes that can be installed on the fabric.
The coin battery works better in soft circuit projects due to its small size.
Special battery seats and connectors can be found here.
When making a non, it is better to use the same color line as the background fabric
Electrical connection.
Below, sew the battery on the fabric.
Step 3 prepare the assembly with a battery clip with specially designed components to make the soft circuit easier.
We will use regular pass-through-
The hole assembly makes it easier to get started.
To use regular components like LED, play the lead in the opposite direction.
Bend the straight line into a circle with pliers.
After the legs curl, you can still tell the polarity of the LED through the plastic case.
The reverse side of the LED has a flat plastic surface as shown in the following figure.
These rings help to secure the LED onto the fabric while providing a large contact surface for the conductive thread.
Step 4 the SewConductive VE thread is thicker than the normal thread.
Make sure the line can go through the eyes of the needle you are using.
Start with sewing (
Or bundle in my case)
Threaded end of battery terminal.
From the positive end of the battery to the positive end of the LED seam a line.
Minimize the amount of lines displayed on the front of the garment.
If there is a pattern on your fabric, you can sew along the lines to better hide the lines.
Please make sure to place a resistance of 100 ohms between the negative LED lead and the negative battery terminal.
The line is an imperfect conductor.
Check your product information to see how much resistance your line has per foot.
If you don\'t have a resistor, you can always sew a long string of lines in place of the resistor with a compact zigzag pattern and protect the LED from burning.
Step 5 insert it into the battery in the clip and watch the LED light up!
If you don\'t include the resistor, the LED will glow for a few seconds and will emit a lot of heat before it finally runs out.
If your LED stays cool and bright, you do it!
Now, let a lot of lights dance to music like szmoon: to make a suit like Imperial army clothing, you can replace the alkaline 9 volt battery with a rechargeable battery.
Sew some lines on two buttons.
Weld the corresponding button on the contact on the solar panel or power plug.
Now, no matter where you are besieged, you are ready to charge for your clothes.
If you\'re going to try something higher voltage, don\'t put it directly on your body!
There are also ways to embroider threads like rubber in normal wires to effectively insulate them.
Don\'t put your clothes on the wall anyway.
The project is very simple and I can\'t wait to see how you use the basics provided here in the community to light your kite on a dark night and a hat on a dim hallway, or put a radio label on your friend\'s coat.
Share your ideas on the forums and post your own soft circuit project to the community corkboard.
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