the most ridiculous amazon packaging ever? tiny button battery arrives in packaging the size of a shoe box

by:CTECHi     2020-03-30
A customer at Amazon has criticized the online retailer for providing a small button battery while wrapping the shoe box-sized battery.
The items sent to Matt Harris consumed about 400 of the volume of the box and were installed several times. The 38-year-
The old man from hudk, Hampshire recorded a video of his own unpacked package and posted it online with the title: \"Someone pushed the item packaging to the extreme.
\"The foreman who works at a bedding and packaging company believes that the wrong package has been delivered when he expects the battery to be packed in an envelope.
Last year, video online giant Amazon vowed not to send small items using huge cartons anymore, and it is said that they are using new technologies and new algorithms to solve the problem.
However, it seems that Mr. Harris\'s package has slipped away from the Internet.
He vented his frustration with the company\'s Facebook page, recording a month-
A second video of his views.
When Mr. Harris opened the box, a large amount of brown paper packaging was visible in the box, covered with a small three
The button battery is stuffed in the corner.
Harris added the title to the video: \"Seriously, Amazon.
I think someone pushed the packaging of the goods to the extreme.
With his size of the box, the volume of the package is 2,500, far exceeding the volume required for a small battery.
In contrast, the battery consumes about 6 cm³, or 0.
400 of the box, which means you can load the battery before the box is full.
Mr. Harris said in a speech today: \"I thought they sent the wrong house because I was looking forward to an envelope at the door.
It\'s not the first time they \'ve been overly enthusiastic about the packaging, but it\'s a bit extreme.
\"On November, Amazon was attacked for offering a calendar of 45 feet paper packs.
Anne gripe from the Hearn Hill in London ordered A2-
The size of the Collins calendar, she said she expected it to be in a small bag or envelope.
On another occasion, wheelchair user Catrina Farnell had to struggle across the road in sittington, West Yorkshire, to pick up a small wreath that could easily be pushed away, but their package was much larger
Amazon\'s customers also shared some of the more compelling examples on Twitter, where they received oversized boxes of trivial items such as screwdrivers, lipstick, and chicken feather duster.
A spokesman for the Internet giant pointed out the company\'s packaging statement on its website.
It wrote: \"We have been driving the improvement of packaging sustainability in Amazon\'s supply chain, starting with our own packaging and operations.
Our global packaging team has received feedback from our customers and we and our suppliers can make improvements.
We pursue diversity.
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