The first mass-produced sodium ion battery is here

by:CTECHi     2021-08-30
It is reported that the sodium ion battery product of Zhongke Hai Na has been mass-produced this year. The battery is the world's first productized sodium ion battery with independent intellectual property rights. The current battery cell production capacity can reach 300,000 units per month, the first phase of overseas orders is 100,000 units, and the domestic joint development product shipments are tens of thousands. Founded in 2017, Zhongke Haina is the first domestic and one of the few international high-tech enterprises focusing on the research and development and manufacturing of sodium-ion batteries. Its core technology comes from the Clean Energy Laboratory of the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The company's technical leaders are Academician Chen Liquan of the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Researcher Hu Yongsheng of the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It is understood that Zhongke Hai Na has complete independent research and development capabilities in sodium ion battery anode and cathode materials, electrolyte, battery manufacturing technology and other technologies, and is in a leading position in the domestic and global sodium ion battery underlying research and development and product applications. At present, product core patents have been authorized by many countries and regions such as China, the United States, and the European Union. At present, the sodium-ion battery products of Zhongke Haiso are mainly used in two major scenarios. One is the lead-acid battery replacement market, including 5G base stations, data centers, electric bicycles, etc.; the other is the large-scale energy storage field, including photovoltaics, wind energy, etc. New energy is connected to the storage system. Tang Kun, CEO of Zhongke Haina, told the reporter of Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily, “Currently, domestic electric two-wheelers are generally based on lead-acid batteries. The new national standard for vehicle weight requirements is accelerating the development of lead-acid batteries to lithium batteries, etc. The replacement of energy storage batteries, and the replacement of lead-acid batteries represents a huge market opportunity.' It is reported that in April 2019, the 'E-bike Safety Technical Specification55kg, while the weight of lead-acid batteries on the market is generally more than 70kg. At the same time, lead-acid batteries use lead as the raw material of the plate, which has environmental protection problems, high recycling costs, short life and other problems. After the new policy transition period expires at the end of 2023, it will Cannot meet the new national standard. In this context, the market share of lithium batteries has increased significantly. In 2019, my country's electric bicycle lithium battery market share reached 13.2%, and it is expected that the market share will reach about 20% in 2020. However, the price of lithium-ion batteries is high, and my country's lithium resources are currently 80% dependent on imports. 'A ton of lithium carbonate costs 40,000 yuan, while a ton of sodium carbonate only costs 2,000 yuan. Compared with lithium-ion batteries, sodium-ion batteries have the same process, but they have the cost advantage of using cheap elements, and their service life is equivalent to that of lithium-ion batteries. 'Tang Kun said, the energy density of sodium ion battery of sea sodium can reach 145Wh/kg. What's more, it surpasses lithium-ion batteries in that it can achieve 6-12 minutes of fast charging and can work in a wide temperature range of -40 to 80°C. Tang Kun said, 'Our sodium-ion battery is less than one-third of the size and weight of lead-acid batteries of the same capacity, and its cycle life is ten times that of lead-acid batteries. It also has a fast charge capability of 5-10 minutes. In terms of performance, it is better than lead-acid batteries in all aspects. 'Compared with lithium batteries, the advantage of sea sodium lies in cost. 'Tang Kun said. The 'Kechuangban Daily' reporter learned that the sodium ion battery of sea sodium uses coal as the raw material for the negative electrode material, and the positive electrode uses cheap metal oxide as the raw material. Taking the negative electrode material as an example, mainstream lithium-ion batteries use graphite The price of raw materials is not less than 40,000 yuan/ton, while the price of coal raw materials used by Sea Sodium is only nearly 1000 yuan/ton. On the raw materials alone, Sea Sodium can reduce battery costs by about 30%. Tang Kun also pointed out, 'The high cost performance of sodium ion batteries cannot be simply understood as replacing the lithium in the battery with sodium, thereby reducing the cost. Lithium only accounts for about 5% to 8% of the battery cost. The high cost performance of sea sodium lies in the fact that we are in the positive electrode of the battery. The entire system of negative electrode, electrolyte and battery technology has taken cost-reduction measures, and has core patents with completely independent intellectual property rights. Only by relying on the underlying basic research and development experience and core technology of sodium-ion batteries can a cost-effective sodium-ion battery be made. 'Tang Kun said, 'After large-scale production, sea sodium's sodium battery cost advantage will be more obvious. In the window period of market reform for the electric bicycle battery industry and the new infrastructure boom represented by 5G base stations and data centers, sodium-ion batteries will be the strongest competitor of lithium-ion batteries. 'At present, Zhongke Hai Na is accelerating the implementation of market applications. It has built a pilot production line for positive and negative materials, a pilot production line for megawatt-hour sodium ion batteries, and a complete material research and development platform. It has completed the world first in 2018. Demonstration of low-speed sodium-ion battery electric vehicles, and the world’s first 100kWh sodium-ion battery energy storage power station demonstration will be completed in 2019.
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