The development trend of the lithium battery industry is improving. Lead batteries will be replaced?

by:CTECHi     2021-07-09

Due to the strong support of national policies, for example, the new national standard has led to the 'lightweight' of batteries, which directly reduces the amount of lead. While lithium elevator secondary batteries are gradually replacing lead batteries, China Tower will not use lead batteries at all in 2020. Overlapping the development of new infrastructure in 2020 is in full swing, 5G, charging piles, and new energy vehicles are inseparable from the development of the lithium battery industry.

In particular, the rapid construction of 5G base stations has caused the demand for lithium iron phosphate batteries to rise sharply. Recently, China Tower announced the list of winning bids for lithium iron phosphate battery backup power projects. It is predicted that the demand for lithium iron phosphate batteries for newly built and renovated 5G base stations in 2020 will reach 10GWh. Various phenomena indicate that the development trend of the lithium battery industry is improving, and the lead battery industry is likely to be replaced?

From the perspective of the advantages of lead-acid batteries, in the global market, the position of lead-acid batteries is irreplaceable. The main core advantages include: ①The technology is mature and stable, and the price is low. The recycling technology is mature and suitable for general public consumption; ②Wide working temperature range, can work normally at -40℃~75℃, or even 100℃. In high and low temperature environments, it can effectively play a role, and there will be no situations such as low temperature difficult to start, performance degradation or high temperature failure rate, life reduction, etc.; ③High safety, will not cause short circuit combustion or even burst under special working conditions ④The cost is significantly lower than other batteries of the same type; ⑤Suitable for any type of car.

However, with the rapid development of the lead-acid battery industry, my country produces a large amount of waste lead-acid batteries every year. Due to the wide and scattered sources of waste lead-acid batteries, some informal enterprises and individuals seek illegal benefits, leading to the repeated prohibition of illegal collection and disposal of waste lead-acid batteries. Therefore, the state has issued relevant policies, such as the 'Law on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes' to regulate the development of the lead storage battery industry, and those who engage in the collection, storage, utilization, and disposal of hazardous waste without a license will impose a fine of 1 million yuan up to 5 million yuan.

From the perspective of policy, the 'new national standard' for electric bicycles will be officially implemented on April 15, 2019. The new national standard includes the highest speed, vehicle quality, motor power and other indicators Based on the current standards, appropriate relaxations have been made. Among them, the maximum speed is adjusted from 20km/h to 25km/h, the mass of the vehicle including the battery is adjusted from 40kg to 55kg, and the motor power is adjusted from 240W to 400W, which improves travel efficiency. effectiveness.

Due to the implementation of the 'new national standard' of electric bicycles, the 'lightweight' of electric bicycles. The small size and light weight of lithium batteries have increased the proportion of their use on electric bicycles. At 10%-15%. However, lithium-ion electric bicycles are generally more expensive than traditional lead-acid battery electric bicycles, and with the increase of battery capacity, the volume of the battery is also increasing, its heat dissipation performance becomes worse, and the possibility of accidents will increase significantly. Especially in summer, new energy spontaneous combustion incidents frequently occur. For example, GAC New Energy AionS (Aion S) spontaneously ignites when parked on the roadside; Ideal ONE spontaneously ignites while driving on the street, etc., which restricts the use of lithium batteries in electric vehicles to a certain extent. The development of the car market.

The country has continuously introduced policies to regulate the development of the battery industry. For example, the National Development and Reform Commission recently issued the 'Interim Measures for the Management of Lead Battery Recycling (Draft for Solicitation of Comments).' The 'Measures' clarify that by the end of 2025, the lead-acid battery recycling rate will reach 70% or more. The state updates the recycling target in due course according to the development of the industry. Lead-acid battery manufacturers (including import companies) should achieve the national-determined recycling targets through independent recycling, joint recycling, entrusted recycling, etc., and submit a report on the completion of the previous year's goals by the end of each year. Encourage relevant industry associations to organize production enterprises to complete the recycling target in a consortium.

Encourage lead storage battery manufacturers to rely on battery sales channels, after-sales service networks, motor vehicle maintenance outlets, and scrap motor vehicle recycling and dismantling enterprises to establish a reverse recycling network system for waste lead storage batteries. Encourage production enterprises to increase the recycling rate by adopting methods such as 'replacement of old for new' and 'sale, receipt, one'.

The 2019 annual report of Camel shares stated that even if the car uses lithium batteries as power batteries, lead-acid batteries are still needed for starting and auxiliary, and power supply for low-voltage control modules. The sales of car starter batteries are closely related to the prosperity of the downstream automotive industry. The booming development of the auto market provides a good market environment for the development of car starter batteries. Starter batteries are consumables in auto parts and need to be replaced once every 3 years. In the context of the continuous growth of automobile production, sales and ownership, the market size of automobile starter batteries has shown a trend of continuous growth. In recent years, domestic auto companies have been affected by the national energy-saving and emission reduction policies. The fuel consumption limit is required to be 5L per 100 kilometers. In the future, the new car start-stop system will be further equipped with a new car start-stop system. The lead-acid start and start-stop battery market has huge space. Therefore, lead-acid batteries are still irreplaceable in the field of automobile starting, and the future will usher in the golden era of automobile lead-acid batteries.

To sum up, the position of lead-acid batteries in the automotive field is still irreplaceable, and lead-acid batteries will usher in a new era of development in the future.

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