Talking about the advantages and application fields of lithium iron phosphate batteries for electric vehicles

by:CTECHi     2021-09-20
The full name of the lithium iron phosphate battery should be lithium iron phosphate lithium ion battery, this name is too long, referred to as lithium iron phosphate battery. Because its performance is particularly suitable for power applications, the word power is added to the name, that is, lithium iron phosphate power lithium battery. Some people call it lithium iron (LiFe) power lithium battery. Talking about the advantages and potential of lithium iron phosphate batteries for electric vehicles. The internal structure of LiFePO4 batteries uses LiFePO4 as the cathode. Costs currently used as cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries are: LiCoO2, LiMn2O4, LiNiO2 and LiFePO4. Among the metal elements that make up the battery cathode material, cobalt (Co) is the most expensive and has a small storage capacity. Nickel (Ni) and manganese (Mn) are cheaper, while iron (Fe) is the cheapest. The price of the cathode material is also consistent with the price of these metals. Therefore, the lithium ion battery made of LiFePO4 cathode material should be the cheapest. The advantages and potential advantages of lithium iron phosphate batteries as the power of new energy vehicles are better safety; longer service life; free of any heavy metals and rare metals (low raw material costs); no memory effect; high temperature resistance; easy Through acupuncture experiments. The general tendency is that lithium iron phosphate has some performance defects, such as low tap density and compaction density; poor low-temperature performance; small battery capacity; the same battery capacity, the weight of the lithium iron phosphate battery is heavier and larger. ; Seriously affect the battery life of electric vehicles. In addition, lithium iron phosphate batteries cannot be recycled and reused after they are scrapped, and have no recyclable value. Why my country's car companies favor lithium iron phosphate batteries The development of lithium-ion batteries for new energy vehicles in my country has always been directional controversy-the dispute between lithium manganate, ternary lithium, and lithium iron phosphate has never subsided. However, there are three reasons why the current mainstream new energy car companies in China are basically using lithium iron phosphate batteries. 1. The development of my country's new energy vehicles must ensure the use of safe, reliable, stable performance and low-cost power lithium batteries. Among them, safety and reliability are the top priority. Without safety, there will be no future for the new energy automobile industry; Tesla uses the best Panasonic battery in the ternary lithium battery, and it cannot prevent three fires within five weeks. Fortunately, Tesla's advanced vehicle safety design has not caused personal injuries or deaths. In terms of vehicle safety design, how many of my country's new energy vehicle companies can reach Tesla's level? The lithium iron phosphate battery has inherent advantages in safety. 2. At present, the core technologies of lithium manganate and ternary lithium are in the hands of Japanese and Korean companies. Especially for ternary lithium, whether it is technology, process or equipment, Japanese and Korean industry leaders have reached a very mature and stable stage. If we stick to the ternary route on lithium batteries for new energy vehicles, I am afraid that we are still catching up on the road, we will have been stifled by the international giants, let alone overtaking in corners. Lithium iron phosphate batteries are different. Japanese and Korean companies have basically not set foot, and important international competitors come from the United States. However, the technical level of my country and the United States is not much different. With Wanxiang Group's acquisition of A123, in fact, our company has mastered the world's most advanced technology and technology for lithium iron phosphate batteries. As long as we increase investment and solidify this advantage, my country's new energy vehicles will have the possibility of overtaking in corners. 3. At present, the global nickel and cobalt resources are in short supply. The material formula of ternary lithium batteries, whether it is lithium nickel cobalt manganate or lithium nickel cobalt aluminate, cannot be separated from two precious metals. Its large-scale application will cause market prices to skyrocket. Both metals are scarce in my country. More than 90% of the cobalt used in my country must be imported. Both of these precious metals have international futures transactions, and their prices are not only high but also volatile. A big reason why the promotion of new energy vehicles in my country has not reached the expected goals of the policy is that the prices remain high. Among them, the most important reason is that the price of power lithium-ion batteries, which account for nearly 50% of the cost of new energy vehicles, remains high. The result of the ternary route is that new energy vehicles are more expensive and require more government subsidies, and they will never be able to achieve market promotion.
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