Solid-state battery research and development in progress, GM Future Technology announced

by:CTECHi     2021-08-27
From the intelligentization of mobile phones to the intelligentization of automobiles, this era is developing rapidly. Unknowingly, the 5g era of mobile communication is also coming. Looking at the automotive field, the popularity of intelligence has also made people more 'picky' in the field of cars. With the help of the tide of the times, new energy and intelligence will surely become the new direction of the development of automobiles. General Motors showcased the innovation achievements of my country's Foresight Technology Research Center since its tenth anniversary on the Science Day, indicating that in the future, it will focus more deeply on the fields of new energy, intelligent connected vehicles and advanced materials, and integrate the needs of Chinese consumers at the forefront of research and development. , To explore the future of travel, let’s take a look at what happened on the General Motors Technology Day together? What is the General Battery Laboratory doing? In 2012, General Motors my country’s battery laboratory started the development and testing of battery cell samples, which promoted the development of electric vehicle batteries, increased energy density, reduced battery size, reduced costs, and helped the company accelerate the development of vehicle electrification. GM has in-depth cooperation with battery suppliers and emphasizes safety, reliability, and durability. Before the single battery is put on the market, it must be tested and verified in the laboratory for 3-5 years. What is v2x car networking? v2x means vehicletoeverything, which refers to the exchange of information between the car and the outside world. The v2x Internet of Vehicles has established a new direction for the development of automotive technology by integrating global positioning system (gps) navigation technology, car-to-car communication technology, wireless communication and remote sensing technology, and realizes the compatibility of manual driving and automatic driving. In November 2016, General Motors demonstrated for the first time in my country 8 latest v2x technology applications including intersection collision warning and emergency braking warning, becoming the first multinational car company to demonstrate v2x applications in my country. The v2x technology application participating in the demonstration was researched, developed and tested by General Motors' my country Foresight Technology Research Center. It is reported that the supercruise driving assistance system, relying on the two core technologies of the driver's attention keeping system and the high-precision map data system, integrates the lane center driving keeping system and the adaptive cruise system, supplemented by enhanced GPS positioning, and enhanced safety with the original Strategic ess’s real-time camera and radar sensor form a powerful complementation, enabling the driver to safely complete a series of daily driving operations after both hands are off the steering wheel, providing comfortable and convenient driving experience for long-distance travel and daily travel. Editor's summary: This time the General Motors Technology Day, the official importantly explained the fields of new energy, intelligent connected vehicles and advanced materials. In terms of new energy, GM will fully enter the stage of electrification and zero emissions. The battery laboratory will further strengthen the research and development of solid-state batteries, improve the safety of batteries, and ensure the mileage. In the field of advanced materials, we see GM's technological level in product creation from the application of hucralloy. The final intelligent network technology, supercruise driving assistance system and the implementation of v2x car networking have enabled GM to hand in a high score in the field of intelligence. In general, GM's technology will bring us to our future car life More convenience.
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