
Shanshan Technology's 100,000 tons of lithium battery anode material Baotou base started

by:CTECHi     2021-08-01

On April 10, the on-site promotion meeting of Shanshan Technology's 100,000-ton lithium-ion battery anode material Baotou base was held in Baotou Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park. Zhang Yuanzhong, member of the Standing Committee of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Party Committee and Secretary of the Baotou Municipal Party Committee, Zhao Jiangtao, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, and city leaders Li Chunren, Wu Enmenghe, Wang Xiulian, and Zhou Zhining attended the promotion meeting. Zheng Yonggang, Chairman of the Board of Shanshan Holdings, Li Fengfeng, Vice President of Shanshan Holdings, Zhuang Wei, Chairman and President of Shanshan, Yang Feng, Vice President of Shanshan, and Hu Bo, General Manager of Shanshan Technology, attended the promotion meeting.

Zhao Jiangtao, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, and Zheng Yonggang, chairman of the board of directors of Shanshan Holdings, delivered speeches respectively.

Zhao Jiangtao said in his speech: “At present, Baotou is deeply studying and implementing the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and General Secretary Xi Jinping in the country. The spirit of the important speech during the deliberations of the 'two sessions' of the Inner Mongolia delegation is committed to promoting high-quality economic development. Today, the construction of Shanshan Technology’s 100,000-ton lithium-ion battery anode material project has not only accelerated the conversion of new and old kinetic energy for Baotou City, but also improved it. Strengthening the real economy has injected strong momentum and opened a new chapter for the win-win cooperation between the two parties. I believe that the re-cooperation between the two parties will yield more fruitful results. We will further optimize the business environment, improve service levels, and fully promote project construction , Enterprise development. At the same time, I sincerely hope that the two sides will continue to deepen cooperation, achieve new consensus in more fields, greater scope and deeper levels, build new projects, and promote new development.'

Zheng Yonggang said in his speech that he is very grateful to the leaders of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Baotou City, Qingshan District, Jiuyuan District and other governments and people from all walks of life who have made arduous efforts for the successful implementation of the project. Baotou's strong industrial foundation, numerous outstanding talents, superior industrial policies and outstanding resource endowments have attracted a large number of well-known enterprises including Shanshan Technology to settle here. Today, the construction of Shanshan Technology's 100,000-tonne lithium-ion battery anode material project in Baotou has begun, marking a new page in the cooperation between the two parties. In the next step, the company will continue to speed up the progress of the project, ensure that it is put into operation on schedule and achieve results, and make due contributions to promoting the economic and social development of Baotou. Please witness that by the end of this year, a world-class intelligent anode material factory will emerge in Baotou, becoming a new landmark in the global new energy industry!

The total investment of Shanshan Technology's 100,000 tons of lithium ion battery anode material Baotou base project has a total investment of 3.8 billion yuan, covering an area of u200bu200babout 980 acres, and a total construction area of u200bu200babout 330,000 square meters. , The project is constructed in two locations, located in Baotou Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park and Jiuyuan Industrial Park. The two projects started at the same time and were completed in two phases. The first phase is expected to be completed and put into operation at the end of 2018, and the second phase is expected to be completed and put into operation at the end of 2019 After the project is completed, it can produce 100,000 tons of anode materials for lithium-ion batteries per year. The integrated base is a negative electrode material production line that integrates five major processes from raw material processing, raw material processing, graphitization, carbonization to finished product processing. It can provide 2,000 jobs, with significant social and economic benefits.

The production base in Qingshan District, with a total investment of 2.6 billion yuan, has a planned land area of u200bu200b706 acres and a construction area of u200bu200b235,000 square meters. After the project is completed and put into production, it will have an annual production capacity of 60,000 tons of graphitized anode materials and 40,000 tons of coated carbonized anode materials.

The production base in Jiuyuan District covers an area of u200bu200b356 acres and has a total construction area of u200bu200b132,000 square meters. After the project is completed, it can achieve an annual output of 50,000 tons of graphitization processing capacity. The main content of the building includes 8 production workshops, 6 warehouses and living and office buildings.

Shanshan Technology is the first high-tech enterprise in China that industrializes anode materials for lithium batteries. Shanshan started with anode materials, and after nearly 20 years of development, it has become the world's largest supplier of lithium battery materials. In recent years, Shanshan has seized the great opportunities in the development of new energy vehicles, concentrated its full efforts on the lithium battery material industry, continuously increased Ru0026D investment, rapidly expanded production capacity, led the formulation of industry technical standards, established an overwhelming production capacity advantage, and formed a strong core Competitiveness.

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