
Researchers have developed a fluid-based power system for flying taxis

by:CTECHi     2021-09-23
Many cities are striving to develop alternatives to public transportation for private cars driving on public roads. Crowding makes it difficult for many people to travel in some of the largest cities in the United States, prompting the development of concepts involving underground and surface public transportation. However, when it comes to 'flying taxisResearchers at Purdue University have developed a fluid power system for autonomous aerial vehicles (AAV) with vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capabilities. These 'air taxis' will provide the public with an alternative to land vehicles for relatively short distance travel in the air instead of on the road. The current state of vertical take-off and landing autopilot aircraft technology has some major limitations, that is, heavy components occupy a considerable amount of weight, reducing the weight of the aircraft's payload. According to the university, the newly developed fluid power technology provides a recyclable and inexpensive alternative to the form of a hydraulic propulsion system. The system is designed for vertical take-off and landing aircraft with a multi-rotor design-the speed of each rotor can be individually controlled by this system, which uses a hydrostatic transmission to distribute the engine's power to the rotors. According to the researchers, the system can provide the necessary aerodynamic lift and height control. Lizhi Shang, one of the researchers of the project, explained: The key advantage of this innovation is its light weight, which can be translated into superior payload score, lower operating cost, longer flight distance and better controllability. And operability. In order to transmit the same power through precise speed control, hydraulic systems are much lighter than electric systems that currently dominate the market.
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