my country begins to ban the sale of fuel vehicles, can new energy vehicles carry the banner

by:CTECHi     2021-09-24
Nowadays, in the entire automobile industry, the most-heard sentence is that fuel vehicles are getting harder and harder to sell, while the sales of new energy vehicles are steadily rising. Everyone knows that the biggest reason for this trend is that there are only a few national VI models on the market today. On the other hand, new energy vehicle subsidies are fairly generous, and there are still new energy dividends. However, Che Che Jun is thinking about a question recently, why new energy vehicles seem to be in the lead, but the year when the sale of fuel vehicles in various countries is banned is only late and never arrives early. The reason is worthy of attention. Countries have proposed a total ban on the sale of fuel vehicles. my country is still discussing the concept of banning the sale of fuel vehicles. In fact, many countries have already proposed in recent years. Last year, France announced a total ban on the sale of gasoline and diesel cars in 2040. Germany, a major automobile country, said it would ban the sale in 2030, and India immediately echoed it. Norway and the Netherlands are more courageous, and both have expressed that they will become countries that ban the sale of fuel vehicles by 2025. Che Che Jun discovered from the ban on sales of these countries, no country can completely stop the sale of fuel vehicles within 5 years, and currently only Hainan Province in my country has taken the lead in proposing a timetable for the restriction and prohibition of fuel vehicles. When? The national implementation is also unknown. It is not difficult to see that being not ready to welcome the advent of the fuel-free era is a common manifestation of the world. The expectation of new energy vehicles is too high, and the continuous innovation of new energy vehicle technology after the implementation of the ban too early can be regarded as a current trend. It's just that this slight change did not make domestic consumers feel much surprise. Leaving aside pure electric vehicles, some netizens stated in Che Chejun’s earlier article on electric bicycles that as early as 1999, my country had issued national standards for electric bicycles, but until 2018, the battery Endurance is still proportional to its weight and volume. And today's pure electric vehicles, aren't they also choked by a battery technology? Pure electric vehicles currently on the market generally have a battery life of about 500 kilometers, while hybrid vehicles have stronger battery life. But as a transitional product, after the full ban on the sale of fuel vehicles, the living space of hybrid vehicles has also been greatly compressed. Recently, news of the spontaneous combustion of pure electric vehicle batteries has been constantly heard, and its safety issues have once again been questioned by the public. Even if it is light weight, it is easy to find a charging station and gas stations all over the country, which one is more worry-free. Prohibition orders are easy to issue, but the work to be done is not necessarily easy. Hypothesis: What changes will happen after the nationwide ban on the sale of fuel vehicles? The hypothesis on this issue has been conceived as early as when Che Che Jun first started contacting new energy vehicles. After the national ban on the sale of fuel vehicles, the fuel will be replaced by electricity, but the price of car charging cannot be compared with the price of electricity for civilian or commercial use. Naturally, the price of electricity will rise. In view of the charging time, the long-term high-load state of the power grid is also commonplace. Whether it can be charged and left like refueling is another technical problem. It is also confused by time, and there is also the problem of parking spaces when charging is waiting. The pressure on the flow of traffic at gas stations may be more serious than it is now. Secondly, unlike the replacement of parts for fuel vehicles, batteries for new energy vehicles are also a top priority. It is too expensive to replace batteries. Perhaps from another perspective, the cost of disposing of waste batteries is more expensive, and the environmental protection costs are greater. These may also exceed the pollution level of fuel vehicles to the environment. In other words, after the ban on the sale of fuel vehicles, the air may be cleaner, but the pollution of land resources and water resources has become more serious. How can such consequences be compensated? Demolition of the east wall to supplement the west wall has always been the most common practice in the development of civilization. The convenience that fuel trucks once gave people also indicates that one day they will also be abandoned by mankind. The rise of new energy vehicles may take more time than imagined. Now that the technology is not mature enough, it is necessary to rush the fuel vehicles to step down and push new energy vehicles to the top. This is also the reason why my country has not set a timetable for banning the sale of fuel vehicles. Fuel vehicles have a long way to go, but there is not much time left for the transformation of new energy vehicles! I don't know what everyone thinks about this?
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