lithium polymer - the best rechargeable batteries?

by:CTECHi     2020-02-14
Compared with other battery technologies, lithium polymer (
Also known as lithium
Ionic polymer or LiPo)
Relatively new people in the market.
The lithium polymer battery was born out of the need for higher capacity and weight reduction, and was first unveiled in 1996 after the technology was patented (
Patent number 5645960)in early 1994.
And metal nickel-hydrogen (NiMH)
Battery technology has been popular with consumers for many years, and lithium polymers are only now beginning to reach their full potential.
In addition to gaining a foothold in the mobile and mobile industry, LiPo batteries have quickly gained a good reputation in the field of model electric RC aircraft and electric RC vehicles.
Thanks to the battery\'s ability to provide high current over the long term, its market share has grown by nearly 7% over the last 12 months, despite the relatively high cost, it\'s not just about buying batteries and the charging devices and controllers you need to use them.
The main drawback of the LiPo battery is the controlled environment required for safe charging.
Unlike NiMh, which can charge at 0. 1C (i. e.
10% of capacity per hour)
The LiPo battery has no risk of overcharging or explosion and requires the charger to continuously monitor the temperature, current and voltage in order to reach full load while maintaining safety.
Although the vast majority of new laptops are still being manufactured to integrate Lithium-
Experts predict that lithium polymers will account for about 15% of the laptop battery market in the next 24 months.
The reason why the absorption speed of lithium polymer in the notebook computer is not fast is that the notebook computer needs a major design change to disperse the heat from the battery box, even if a few degrees are added, the life of the lithium polymer battery will be greatly reduced.
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