Kindle VS Real Books - Will E-Books Replace Traditional Books?

by:CTECHi     2019-12-12
Reading e-books on Kindle or iPad is the biggest thing since Gutenberg invented the printing machine. Or is it?
The relatively new phenomenon of e-books and the success of Amazon Kindle has pushed the world of publishing and reading to a new era of controversy and turmoil.
Now, I admit that I am the kind of person who seems a little behind for some, but for my Neolithic type of friend, who is technically knowledgeable. Like (I suspect)
Many people, especially the baby boomers and the elderly, I am not the technical leader.
I don\'t have a lot of electronics, but I\'m not a troglodyte.
Instead of devoting myself to the electricity revolution, I chose between convenience and what I think is rampant consumerism, trying to find a middle ground.
Of course, I have a mobile phone.
Get to know something about the Internet, but I\'m not ready to jump up first and take out $139.
Something that can be regarded as a new toy.
Amazon\'s Kindle now costs just $114. 00!
But I love books, I love reading, and I\'m fascinated by new wireless reading devices on the market.
So far, the Kindle seems to be the best e-book reader.
But I still read the novel in an old-fashioned way.
I decided to share my survey with you and look forward to your comments in the comments section. Kindle -
When Amazon released the Kindle 1st generation in 2007, I thought I would wait a bit before I decided on the entire eBook business.
But when Amazon recently claimed to be selling 80% more digital books online than hardcover books, I decided to learn more about the whole scene.
Amazon launched its 1st-generation Kindle in 2007, with a screen of 6\' for nearly $400.
00, memory capacity of 250 MB, can accommodate 200 non-
Illustrated Books
In version 2009, the Kindle 2, which has a longer battery life and a thinner body, can accommodate 1500 non-illustrated books.
You can put an entire private library in your pocket!
On 2009, Amazon released the Kindle DX, which can display a landscape or portrait layout when sideways steering!
Like magic.
Not only that, but the price of the Kindle has also dropped.
To compete with Barnes and Noble\'s Nook, Amazon cut the price of the Kindle from $259. 00 to $189.
00, then $139. 00.
Recently, Amazon launched another Kindle for just $114. 00!
The Kindle\'s Digital Text Platform reduces waste, transportation and delivery costs and reduces tree cutting.
This is the perfect combination of literary life and electronic revolution.
For book lovers, the new version and best-selling e-books on the Kindle cost about $10.
Book buyers will be able to afford more books, but publishers are worried that lower prices will reduce their profits.
Another benefit for readers is the Gutenberg Project, which provides nearly 20,000 books in the United States that have expired copyright
Absolutely free!
This can convince almost any reader to join the e-book boom.
Speaking of Gutenberg. . .
Before Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1440, books were handwritten.
Every book is a work of art, usually with exquisite illustrations and exquisite calligraphy.
In other words, books are really expensive wealth for the rich.
People often read books aloud at that time.
Let\'s not forget that the first book printed in Gutenberg is the Bible.
Few people actually read the Bible before.
This is for them.
Scholars, clerics, priests, and theologians will read and interpret the Bible for others.
But the printing house has created the ability for anyone who can read the Bible for themselves.
In the end, the printing press expanded the supply of books and, like the Kindle and other newly introduced technological advances, book prices eventually fell.
But critics fear that people will not read aloud and that the wonderful experience of sharing books will be out of date.
Religious leaders fear that people who often read the Bible for themselves may present their own interpretation of the Bible, creating a large number of heretics.
Moreover, the printing opportunity makes the scribe unemployed!
In addition, the new books created on the printing press are not as beautiful as they are handmade.
A form of art will be lost.
They are right.
However, the emergence of a large number of books has encouraged a new era of education, science, art and religion.
It is called the greatest invention ever.
Friends, here\'s my comparison between Kindle and Real BooksSo (
Or books in any digital format)
Advantages and disadvantages of traditional books: Electronic
Books are great for traveling.
Light weight, compact structure, easy to carry.
You can take a few books to the beach without making a fuss at all.
Unlike the laptop or phone screen, the display on the Kindle reduces glare and can be easily read in the strong sun.
But when the plane takes off and lands, the flight attendant will ask you to turn it off.
If you drop the book in the tub, fall down the stairs, or throw it into a boiling sugar bucket, you lose a book.
If you do the same with your Kindle, don\'t worry --
Your Library is backed up on Amazon!
Though the Kindle itself is out of date.
If one leg is broken, you can\'t support the corner of the sofa with a stack of Kindle e-books.
A dictionary or keyboard is not included in regular books.
You can\'t dig a hole in the old ebook to hide your collection.
Hitting someone on the head with a Kindle is not like hitting them with an old-fashioned hard endorsement.
You can\'t cram some files into the Kindle for easy carrying.
The battery in your traditional book doesn\'t break like the hero shakes over the cliff, you have to send it somewhere to fix it, or buy a new battery online that happened.
You can\'t flatten the files with a bunch of kindle.
Well, you can, but there\'s a lot to buy.
If you get lost on a wild Kindle, you can\'t use it to light the fire on a cold night. (
But if you also have GPS, you can find the way back to civilization)
Using the Kindle, you can\'t change the book cover in order to impress a stranger in a dentist\'s office or bus, making it look like it\'s reading something important.
Political groups can\'t burn a bunch of kindle like they burn a bunch of real books.
You can\'t collect old or rare kindle.
You can\'t press flowers with your Kindle.
Kindle is not suitable for secret or secret communication --
Could endanger espionage.
The advantages of the Kindle --
You can lie aside when you read the Kindle.
Try it with traditional books!
The final question, of course, is --
How comfortable is it to curl up with a Kindle and a cup of tea on a cold night?
In this case, I guess it depends on what you are reading.
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