india all set to produce its first lithium-ion battery: cecri

by:CTECHi     2020-02-10
A step towards self
In order to meet defense requirements and reduce dependence on imports, especially imports from China, India will produce the first lithium ion (Li-ion)battery.
Central Institute of electrolysis (CECRI)
Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, established the first indigenous Li-
Ion manufacturing facilities for defense, solar equipment, railways and other high-end uses.
The factory will start industrial production in two months.
\"This is the first time we have our own technology and potential to produce Li-
Domestic Ion batteries
This will help reduce costs and reduce our dependence on foreign markets . \"
Director Pillai CECRI told IANS.
CECRI is part of the Committee for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR).
\"Within two months, we will reach the capacity to produce at least 100 batteries per day in the laboratory,\" he added . \".
Over 33 billion Li
Ion batteries are used worldwide.
China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and some Western countries are major manufacturers of lithium-ion batteries.
India has 1 billion users, mainly for mobile phones and laptops.
CECRI has also invited investors in mass production.
According to experts, domestic Li-
Ion batteries will reduce costs compared to imported batteries.
\"Imported batteries are expensive.
The domestic scheme can lower the price \".
Currently, 100% Li-
Imported ion batteries or batteries.
\"Some investors have shown interest. A Canada-
India-based NRI is willing to install factories in India.
In June 3, we have (
Former DRDO supervisor)V. K.
Saraswat visits our manufacturing plant.
\"His visit gives hope for good investment,\" Pillay said . \".
CECRI technology includes a solution of 400 mAh (
Battery of solar lantern.
Other versions have different users-
Final capabilities, including heating power tools and tools used when launching a torpedo, India purchases batteries from France.
\"This application is also suitable for railway lighting and signals, where the Indian railway mainly uses lead-acid batteries with serious pollution.
The railway also uses Li-
Ion batteries are imported and expensive.
However, Li made in China
The ion batteries of laptops and mobile phones still seem to be a distant dream.
\"We still have a long way to go for laptops and mobile phones.
Although there is a plan, we must understand that we do not have this expertise here now and rely on China, Japan and Taiwan.
They have a few years.
\"Start,\" said Pillay.
Even if India produces its own Li-
Ion batteries for laptops and mobile phones, \"We will not be able to justify the cost \". Beside Li-
In response to India\'s ambitious clean energy program, CECRI is also developing a local \"iron-zinc oxidation-reduction mobile battery\" with a target capacity of 500 watts \".
\"This is a grid storage for solar and wind power generation.
The target is 2022.
However, we will show something in two years . \"
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