Hymson laser 'decoding' power lithium battery production line automation and digital integration

by:CTECHi     2021-09-13
The lithium battery industry is developing vigorously, and lithium-ion batteries have entered a large-scale production cycle. The market has higher demand for battery product design and manufacturing processes and continues to be optimized. Traditional production processes have been difficult to meet the needs. 'Based on this, the development of intelligent manufacturing of lithium batteries has become an inevitable trend.' Zhao Shengyu, chairman of Hymson Laser, made the above judgment and called on all links in the lithium battery industry chain to collect digital information, establish different optimization target models, and calculate and deduced on this basis. Different optimization directions and paths will ultimately achieve better product design/manufacturing process improvement. △Shengyu Zhao, Chairman of Hymson Laser, was jointly sponsored by Gaogong Lithium Battery, Gaogong Robot, and Gaogong Consulting on March 20th. The 2021 Lithium-ion Battery Intelligent Manufacturing Summit was held in Shenzhen. As the general title sponsor of this summit, Zhao Shengyu, chairman of Hymson Laser, delivered a speech as the general title sponsor. In the morning [Jiatuo Intelligent Title] Digital Intelligent Factory Special Session, Hymson Laser Soft Control CTO Jiang Zhidong also delivered a keynote speech 'The Integration of Power Lithium Battery Production Line Automation and DigitizationThe understanding and the path to digitalization. △Under the new challenge of Jiang Zhidong, CTO of Hymson Laser Soft Control, smart devices and production lines of power lithium batteries are no longer a simple integrated mode of opto-electromechanical soft, but a multi-disciplinary cross-interaction, multi-functional interaction, collaboration and Compatible, high-precision and high-speed control of the opto-electromechanical soft system level, a combination of complex equipment systems with strong coupling. Jiang Zhidong believes that in the face of increasingly stringent demands and market variability, it has become a development trend to use automation, digitization, intelligence and other technical means to rapidly improve the capabilities of lithium battery equipment and adapt to changes. As an equipment company that is deeply engaged in power lithium battery equipment, Hymson Laser continues to explore and continue to introduce advanced intelligent manufacturing concepts. Through in-depth exploration and practice, Hymson Laser is based on the integration of automation and digitalization, and theoretically constructs a set of digital models in line with its own development, and a digital model of production line equipment based on data flow. The model involves the three major areas of manufacturing digitization, product digitization and production line digitization. Through continuous optimization and reconstruction of the data process at each stage, a relatively efficient technical business process is finally formed, thereby realizing the digital innovation of products, manufacturing and production lines . For example, the research and development of automation equipment including virtual verification process, simulation of production status, optimization of production line layout, simulation of production output, equipment intelligent self-check, early warning/fault diagnosis, etc., to optimize the production and manufacturing process of lithium-ion batteries, including reduction of material loss and accuracy Production output, lower production defect rate, reduce design errors, improve equipment quality, etc., to solve the industrial pain points of lithium battery equipment under the large-scale demand for power lithium batteries. Jiang Zhidong further demonstrated the application examples of Hymus laser digitization, including data flow line equipment digital model, automatic soft control digital system, intelligent logistics simulation and optimization dynamic value flow analysis, virtual debugging system, AI welding algorithm library, etc., to further explain Haimu The integration of Xinglaser automation and digitization. In addition, the core of digitization is data, and the appearance of data is multi-dimensional, including equipment design, manufacturing, equipment production, whole line production, and even the entire factory coordination process. Only by combing the characteristics of data can we use technical means, tools, The process, in the virtual digital world, establishes a connection with the physical world, interacts, and verifies the rationality of the structural design in advance, whether the logic of the cost-saving action is correct, whether there is interference in front of the module, and so on. Jiang Zhidong finally emphasized that smart manufacturing is not a technology, but more of integrating multi-dimensional thinking and applying multiple technologies to achieve the goal of intelligentization in the manufacturing process, a process of continuous evolution and continuous development.
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