How to Remote Control Anything with a DIY Sonic Screwdriver and Light Sensors
A fan of doctors who know that sonic screwdriver is the ultimate tool.
It can open the door, turn on the lights, probe the life form, weld the wires and destroy the weapons.
It is speculated that the sonic screwdriver produces sonic vibration by vibrating the metal parts of the machine and the motor to achieve whatever effect the doctor wants.
While I can\'t let you go that far, I can show you how to automate your favorite gadget with a simpler sonic screwdriver!
Ordinary readers will be familiar with our simple light-
Detection circuit.
It is a ternary circuit that allows the current to flow through it when the light is present.
We will put this circuit into the device we want to automate.
This can work in your vehicle, computer, electric door lock, etc.
For two reasons, I chose to behead a nasty educational stuffed frog maliciously.
First of all, I have sacrificed my guinea pig computer in the stir plate project.
Second, it is well known that this very loud and crazy happy frog will open himself in the basement and recite the alphabet songs for several hours in a row.
After Jack the Ripper on the neck came down, I bought myself an awesome creepy frog head.
I drilled a hole in each eye and installed a red LED on each eye to give it all the important hypnotic effects.
Death of frog bourgeoisie
The stuffed frog face is big enough that we can put the circuit on the bread board and in the fabric.
I removed the light detection circuit from the bubble blowing alarm and inserted it into the frog head bread plate.
You can make this circuit on the breadboard just as easily.
If you do, be sure to weld some long wires to the LDR light sensor so you can place it in the position where the light shines on it and activate the led.
A red and black wire enters the skull of the frog, connected to the positive and negative LED leads.
I use a 3 volt battery because I can run 2 LEDs at a 3 volt voltage without the need to protect the resistance.
If you are modifying your computer, you can connect to both sides of the main power switch.
I just screwed the wires together to connect the eye LEDs.
A black wire connects the negative LED leads together and another wire connects them to the breadboard.
One red line connects the front LED leads together and the other one connects them to the breadboard.
A small piece of tape can keep those twisted wires in place.
The second step of making SonicYou can make sonic screwdriver as you like.
With millions of different versions of real doctors, yours is just as real.
After all, who can say that your voice is not a future version of this time traveler tool?
Since our circuit is activated by light, we need to make a sonic screwdriver with a tiny but powerful flashlight.
I\'m lying around these super bright yellow LEDs.
First I plug the LED into the washing machine.
Next, I glued the washing machine to the end of the brass hex nut with tape.
Push the hex nut to the end of the marker pen and BAM and you have a penny screwdriver that looks good!
To activate the LED, I simply pasted a coin battery between the LED leads, just like the LED throwie.
Now just take your \"sonic\" flashlight to the light sensor and watch your hypnotized toad Activate!
Hypnotoad only turns on when the screwdriver appears, but with this setting the computer can turn on normally.
In the computer, the power button only needs to be held for one second to permanently turn on the entire system.
It turns out that the voice circuit inside the frog works the same way, but Dear Science, I don\'t want to hear the frog again.
As always, any questions can be messaged to me in the comments, forums below or directly. Don\'t forget!
We are currently accepting entries for our photography competition in order to have the opportunity to win your own soberly dream goggles kit!
Just post a photo on the corkboard of the project you have done or are doing.
All items are welcome.
This is my sample entry.
It can open the door, turn on the lights, probe the life form, weld the wires and destroy the weapons.
It is speculated that the sonic screwdriver produces sonic vibration by vibrating the metal parts of the machine and the motor to achieve whatever effect the doctor wants.
While I can\'t let you go that far, I can show you how to automate your favorite gadget with a simpler sonic screwdriver!
Ordinary readers will be familiar with our simple light-
Detection circuit.
It is a ternary circuit that allows the current to flow through it when the light is present.
We will put this circuit into the device we want to automate.
This can work in your vehicle, computer, electric door lock, etc.
For two reasons, I chose to behead a nasty educational stuffed frog maliciously.
First of all, I have sacrificed my guinea pig computer in the stir plate project.
Second, it is well known that this very loud and crazy happy frog will open himself in the basement and recite the alphabet songs for several hours in a row.
After Jack the Ripper on the neck came down, I bought myself an awesome creepy frog head.
I drilled a hole in each eye and installed a red LED on each eye to give it all the important hypnotic effects.
Death of frog bourgeoisie
The stuffed frog face is big enough that we can put the circuit on the bread board and in the fabric.
I removed the light detection circuit from the bubble blowing alarm and inserted it into the frog head bread plate.
You can make this circuit on the breadboard just as easily.
If you do, be sure to weld some long wires to the LDR light sensor so you can place it in the position where the light shines on it and activate the led.
A red and black wire enters the skull of the frog, connected to the positive and negative LED leads.
I use a 3 volt battery because I can run 2 LEDs at a 3 volt voltage without the need to protect the resistance.
If you are modifying your computer, you can connect to both sides of the main power switch.
I just screwed the wires together to connect the eye LEDs.
A black wire connects the negative LED leads together and another wire connects them to the breadboard.
One red line connects the front LED leads together and the other one connects them to the breadboard.
A small piece of tape can keep those twisted wires in place.
The second step of making SonicYou can make sonic screwdriver as you like.
With millions of different versions of real doctors, yours is just as real.
After all, who can say that your voice is not a future version of this time traveler tool?
Since our circuit is activated by light, we need to make a sonic screwdriver with a tiny but powerful flashlight.
I\'m lying around these super bright yellow LEDs.
First I plug the LED into the washing machine.
Next, I glued the washing machine to the end of the brass hex nut with tape.
Push the hex nut to the end of the marker pen and BAM and you have a penny screwdriver that looks good!
To activate the LED, I simply pasted a coin battery between the LED leads, just like the LED throwie.
Now just take your \"sonic\" flashlight to the light sensor and watch your hypnotized toad Activate!
Hypnotoad only turns on when the screwdriver appears, but with this setting the computer can turn on normally.
In the computer, the power button only needs to be held for one second to permanently turn on the entire system.
It turns out that the voice circuit inside the frog works the same way, but Dear Science, I don\'t want to hear the frog again.
As always, any questions can be messaged to me in the comments, forums below or directly. Don\'t forget!
We are currently accepting entries for our photography competition in order to have the opportunity to win your own soberly dream goggles kit!
Just post a photo on the corkboard of the project you have done or are doing.
All items are welcome.
This is my sample entry.
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