How To Keep Your Laptop Battery Life For Long time and Difference to Common Batteries

by:CTECHi     2019-12-09
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Tips for long-term use of laptop batteries are a bit like commonly used household batteries 9AA, AAA, and C)
However, the main difference from household batteries is :-
It\'s rechargeable.
Consists of multiple internal units
Contains a small printed circuit board
The overall shape of the laptop battery and the location of its terminals vary depending on the model
Much more complicated than non-design
Charge the battery because the electrochemical reaction that provides power must be reversible-
In the case of rechargeable batteries, electric oxidation-
The reduction reaction is reversible on both electrodes.
Everyone is facing this problem when we use a laptop.
Usually, the charging conditions of the new battery pack are very low and must be fully charged before use.
For charging instructions, refer to the user manual for portable electronic devices.
The new battery pack needs to be fully charged, fully discharged or cycled five times to enable them to run at full capacity.
How to keep the battery as long as possible, here are some suggestions: Unplug the battery after each use
Hard drive with more than CD/DVD drive-
Although CD and DVD drives consume more power than hard drives, it consumes more power than hard drives.
Even if there is one in the drive, power may be consumed.
Even if they are not actively used, they will rotate and take power.
Try to run on a virtual drive as much as possible.
Clean battery contacts more often
Clean the metal contacts of the battery every few months with an alcoholic cloth.
This makes the power transmission of the battery more efficient. PC Games-
If you don\'t need WIFI, don\'t play games on your laptop. -
There is usually a switch, but sometimes you have to do so in the WIFI configuration. Battery care-
Do not leave the rechargeable battery dormant for a long time.
Once charged, you should use the battery at least once every two to three weeks.
Hibernate is better than a spare laptop-although putting the laptop in standby mode can save some power and can be restored immediately where it stops, it won\'t save anywhere power as the hibernate function does.
Sleeping a laptop will actually save more power because it will shut itself down completely.
Replace the hard drive regularly-
The faster your hard drive works, the less demand you have for your hard drive and battery.
By periodically defragmenting the hard disk, make the hard disk as efficient as possible.
In windows xp, you can do this by right-clicking c: drive on my computer instead of selecting properties, then clicking tools in properties, and then clicking defrag in tools.
Dim Laptop screen most laptops have the ability to dim the laptop screen.
Some even offer ways to modify CPU and cooling performance.
Reduce them to the lowest level you can stand to squeeze out some extra battery life.
No background programI-
Music, desktop search, or screen saver.
All of this increases the load on the CPU and shortens the battery life.
Turn off everything that doesn\'t matter when you use the battery.
Reduce the battery consumption of laptops from external devices-USB devices and WiFi.
Remove or close them when not in use.
Charging Equipment-
If you charge other devices (like your iPod)
With a laptop, you will soon run out of battery power for your laptop.
Add more RAM mamory-
This will allow you to do more processing using your laptop\'s memory instead of relying on virtual memory.
Virtual memory can lead to the use of hard drives and reduce energy efficiency.
Laptop temperature drop-
It runs more efficiently when the laptop is colder.
Clean the vent with a cloth or keyboard cleaner or laptop cooling fan.
Optimize the power options in windows-\"go to the power options in the windows Control Panel and set them up to optimize power usage (
Select \"Max lot\" for maximum effect \").
Multitasking is a bad idea-do one thing at a time when you\'re on the battery.
Have your email client run in the background and listen to your latest mp3 set instead of working on a spreadsheet.
Reduce the need for laptops-passive activities like email and word processing consume much less power than games or playing DVDs.
Buy Energy Star/high efficiency laptop-
Laptops are becoming more and more efficient in nature, so that some manufacturers talk about batteries all day long.
Choosing an updated, more efficient laptop to replace an aging laptop is often a quick solution. Memory Effect -
If you are using a very old laptop, you will want to prevent the memory effect by fully charging and then fully discharging every two to three weeks to less to keep the battery healthy.
The exception to the rule is Li-Ion batteries (
What are most laptops)
Will not be affected by the memory effect.
Bad auto save-MS-
The auto save feature for Word and Excel is great, but since they remain saved on a regular basis, they work harder than you might need.
If you plan to do so, you may want to turn it back on when the battery is low.
While it can save battery life at the beginning, you will want to make sure your work is saved when the battery is dead.
Less graphic use
You can do this by changing the screen resolution and turning off fancy graphics drivers.
Today, graphics cards use more powerful features like hard drives.
Note: Each battery is different from the laptop.
So these suggestions don\'t work sometimes.
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