
forget exploding smartphones: water-based lithium-ion battery prevents devices from bursting into flames (and can even withstand being hit with a hammer!)

by:CTECHi     2020-02-07
Earlier this year, Samsung was forced to recall more than two phones.
After the 5 million Galaxy Note 7 smartphone exploded in people\'s hands.
But with a new kind of water, the exploding smartphone could soon be the pastbased lithium-ion battery.
Incredible battery can withstand puncture and water damage and no explosion
Risks associated with most current batteries.
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Ion batteries are often used by smartphones and laptops, but they raise serious concerns about health and safety.
Some aircraft mounted on mobile phones and hoverboards caught fire after a short circuit or overheating.
Researchers at the University of Maryland and the US Army Research Laboratory have developed a safe lithium-
Ion batteries using water
As a brine solution of its electrolyte. Lithium-
Ion batteries used in smartphones and other devices are usually not
Water, because they can reach a higher level of energy. Lithium water-
Ion batteries are as safe as water.
Base electrolyte is flammable compared to non-flammable organic solvents
Water counterpart.
Scientists have created a special gel that prevents water from reacting with graphite or lithium metals and triggers a dangerous chain reaction.
The new battery reaches the four Volt energy required for commercial use.
It can also withstand a lot of wear and tear.
During the test, scientists repeatedly nailed nails to the battery.
It continues to provide the necessary voltage for a laptop or other device.
\"In the past, if you want high energy, you will choose non-Lithium water-
Dr. Kang Xu, a laboratory researcher at the US Army Research Laboratory, said Ion batteries, but you have to compromise on safety issues.
He continued: \"If you prefer safety, you can use water batteries like nickel/metal hydroxide, but you have to be content with lower energy.
\"Now, we are showing that you can get high energy and high security at the same time.
Battery solved for a long time
Long term problems of producing safe and durable batteries to keep more power.
Scientists have previously developed a three volt battery, but one end of a battery made of graphite or lithium metal is degraded by a water electrolyte.
Dr. Yang yin Yang, a research scientist at the University of Maryland, overcomes this problem by developing a new gel polymer electrolyte coating that can be applied to graphite or lithium anode.
This coating removes water moles from the surface of the electrode.
After the first charge, it breaks down and forms a stable interface-
A thin mixture of decomposition products that separate the solid anode from the liquid electrolyte.
Interface, inspired by layers not generated internally
A water battery that protects the anode from destructive side effects.
This allows the battery to use ideal anode materials such as graphite or lithium metal and to obtain better energy density and cycle capacity.
The key innovation here is to make the right gel that can prevent water from coming into contact with the anode so that the water does not break down and can also form the right interface to support high battery performance, professor Wang Chunsheng of Maryland said.
In addition, when the interface layer is damaged, for example, when it is pierced, it reacts slowly with lithium or lithium graphite anode, prevent the damaged battery from causing an explosion that may occur when the metal is in direct contact with the electrolyte.
At present, the battery can only be charged 50 to 100 times, so researchers are trying to make the battery cheaper and more flexible.
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