The 3V170mAh CP064750 Battery is primary ultra thin battery have Widely applied to: Nonstop charging systems, Intelligent parking lot, container identification, vehicle toll check, personnel identification, automated railcar identification management , Automated road charge management, Automated voyage passenger luggage identification transport management, vehicle entry and exit control, Campus all-purpose card, public transportation card, Driver's license card, Health (medial treatment or history) card , animal and livestock identification, automated management of logistic& storage, automobile remote control lock, smart door locks.
We can customized Micro Thin Battery for you depend on the your project.
CTECHI 3V Primary Micro Film Battery can be used in RFID
CTECHI Primary Ultra Thin Battery 3V 170mAh Can be used in Smart Cards
CTECHI Ultra Thin Film Battery can be used in Automated management of logistic