Chinese Electric Vehicle Companies About To Boom

by:CTECHi     2020-02-19
Overview of the global electric vehicle industry in 2015, the cumulative sales of global new energy vehicles is expected to reach 1 million vehicles, the cumulative sales increased from 712,000 vehicles to December 2014.
By 2021, the electric vehicle market alone could reach $70 billion, still accounting for only 2% of the total, according to Barclays estimates.
At present, the sales of most new energy vehicles are hybrid (electric and automotive engines) and all-
Electric cars.
Norway and Sweden are leading the way in \"charging\", with about 6% of new car sales being new energy vehicles.
The biggest seller of new energy vehicles is Nissan (OTCPK: NSANY) Leaf all-
Electric vehicles ($21,500, 135 km range), General Motors (NYSE: GM) Volt hybrid ($26,845, 61 km range) and Toyota Prius hybrid (range 17. 6km).
Since then, Tesla has been hyped up.
Nissan Leaf and Chevrolet Volt are clearly winners, with consumers showing a preference for cheaper cars --
Electric vehicles with long mileage.
You can see it in 2014 USA. S.
Here is a sales chart of how growth is accelerating. Cumulative U. S. Plug-
The sale of ChartSourceApple (NASDAQ: AAPL) in electric vehicles now wants to consider electric vehicles and employ about 100 staff and an imaginary grant of $1 billion for the production of electric vehicles in 2020.
But Apple has yet to confirm that.
Google (NASDAQ: Google) is also developing its drivers
Less electric vehicles.
This may ensure that the global \"mass adoption\" of electric vehicles and the number of new
Billion dollar industry
Tesla will soon launch a budget car.
The model will be sold for about $35,000.
Elon Musk (founder) expects his company to produce up to one electric vehicle per year by 2020
More electric cars than all other competitors add up.
A Model 3, which costs about $35,000, can easily increase Tesla\'s sales by five times.
This would well justify the high valuation of the stock.
In addition, there is a lithium
The ion battery giga plant, Tesla will dominate the electric vehicle industry.
Most of the growth in electric vehicle sales is expected to come from China.
Let\'s take a look at the Chinese electric vehicle market.
Overview of China\'s electric vehicle industry China has a long history.
The clear goal is to reduce dependence on imported oil by promoting new energy vehicles, including passenger cars and buses.
China hopes to have 5 million such cars on the road by 2015, 1 million by 2020, and produce such cars every year by 2020.
In 2014, China sold 23 million ordinary cars, so 1 million electric vehicles should be a achievable goal.
By 2020, this target will result in a surge or growth of more than 13 times (1,000,000/74,763) in sales of existing electric vehicle companies ).
In order to achieve this goal, the Chinese government\'s subsidy to electric vehicle manufacturers is usually about 60,000 yuan ($9,750) per electric vehicle.
These vehicles are also eligible for a 10% purchase tax exemption, as well as free license plates issued in cities such as Shanghai, and license plates for traditional gasoline in Shanghai.
Electric cars cost about $12,000.
Last year, China stipulated that 30% of all vehicles purchased by the government by the end of 2016 were electric vehicles.
China sold only 17,642 new energy vehicles in 2013
On vehicles, hybrid and allelectric cars.
At 2014, they sold 74,763.
It\'s just a growth in about 4 years. 2 times.
Sales in China in January 2015made plug-
The number of electric vehicles reached 6,395.
Sales and production increased more than five times compared to the same period last year.
I think the sales of electric vehicles in China will probably be around 150,000 in 2015.
200,000, lower than the government target, but still 100% more than in 2014.
China\'s ChinaBy 2015 charging station plans to deploy 2,351 charging and replacement stations and 220,000 charging points.
To 2020, there are 5-
Annual Plan for 10 million electric charging stations.
These will only be compatible with the Chinese electric vehicle standard and therefore will not work for Tesla.
China is considering offering 100 billion yuan ($16 ).
25 billion) government funding for the construction of electric vehicle charging facilities.
An announcement is expected soon.
China\'s local government is planning to speed up the construction of electric vehicle charging stations in urban areas.
Beijing says it will add 1,000 chargers by the end of the year.
The Shanghai municipal government plans to build 6,000 charging points by 2015.
In short, China\'s electric vehicles are about to prosper . . . . . . The Top 5 Chinese electric vehicles sold by 2014 BYD (OTCPK: BYDDF) are the pioneers of Chinese electric vehicles.
It was originally a battery company specializing in BYD Qin (Iron-
According to the company, the battery is safer than other lithium batteriesion models.
In 2005, it became the world\'s leading small battery company, one of the world\'s largest manufacturers of rechargeable batteries.
BYD is becoming a leader in technology.
BYD Qin (BYD Qin) is a hybrid with a maximum power generation of 223 KW, which is almost the same as Tesla S.
10,000 after charging
According to the company\'s test, the discharge cycle of the Fe battery still maintains a capacity of 70%.
Charge 27 years a day.
The company has 70 km kilometers of battery life and 185 miles (300 km kilometers) of engine life ).
BYD e6 all-
Charge with a lithium ion battery.
Buffett knew a good thing at a glance.
In 2008, he bought 10% in the company.
At present, BYD Qin is a hybrid car, but will then launch a cheaper pure electric car . . . . . . It is currently targeting taxis and buses to help build the market.
It plans to sell to the United States in 2015.
BYD said that with the support of releasing four new models every quarter, electric vehicle sales will double (2015) to 60,000 this year.
Goldman Sachs has suggestions for buying BYD.
Goldman Sachs expects BYD\'s sales of electronic cars to grow by 57% a year by 2020.
BYD Qin Kandi Technology (Nasdaq: KNDI) is in a joint venture with Geely Automobile Holding Co. , Ltd. (OTCPK: GELYY), and most of the shares owned by Chinese billionaire Li Shufu are the second largest seller of Chinese electric vehicles.
Electric Kandi EK 2.
They also launched Kandi public EV CarShare (currently in 9 cities and other cities are also watching), but they are only minority equity partners in 9 cities. 5% each.
They sell Kandi cars to most owners of the car with a share of 81%, or they can sell Kandi cars to government fleets or sell them directly to the public.
The rent for CarShare is $3.
$25 per hour, rental fees range from $130 to $160 per month.
As a result, it will generate some recurring rental revenue for electric vehicles.
At the moment, SpaceX is building car storage and charging stations, so there is no profit at this time.
Geely has also set up a joint venture with China\'s new ocean to produce 50,000 vehicles-
100,000 electric vehicles in 2015, 10%
The local market share of new energy vehicles is 20%, which is expected to be 500,000 vehicles.
The electric car called \"smart beans\" is the result of the new Ocean\'s research and development work in the past eight years.
With Geely\'s support, the new Ocean expects electric vehicle sales to grow significantly, far exceeding the 7,400 vehicles sold in 2014 after the listing in April 2015.
The price of this car is 40,000-
60,000 yuan ($6,400-$9,600).
Geely also bought Volvo, so they will have a Western company that will sell in the United States and Europe in a timely manner.
SummaryI believes that consumers will turn more to all-electric vehicles with longer mileage, faster charging speed and cheaper prices.
Paying for a heavy engine that you no longer need makes no sense.
At the moment, I think the best prospect is
Nissan leaf, BYD e6, Kandi EK2, Mahindra e2o and Tesla model 3, or maybe Apple iCar one day.
I prefer pure game electric car companies like BYD, Candi and Tesla compared to traditional games, because as customers move from traditional cars to electric cars, they don\'t lose market share.
In addition, they have a better battery and technical background.
Disclosure: The author is long BYDDF.
The author wrote this article himself and expressed his views.
The author was not compensated (except for Seeking Alpha ).
The author has no business relationship with any company mentioned in this article.
Additional disclosure: The information contained herein is of a general nature and should not be recommended as an individual.
Editor\'s note: This article discusses one or more securities that are not traded on major US securitiesS. exchange.
Please note the risks associated with these stocks.
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