Analysis of market competition pattern of my country's electrolyte industry in 2021

by:CTECHi     2021-08-24
The electrolyte industry is a typical oligopoly market, and in recent years, the market share of leading companies has gradually increased. Among them, Tianci Materials, Xinzhoubang, and Cathay Pacific always occupy the top three positions in the industry. The industry's top three patterns are stable. In 2020, the top five manufacturers of domestic electrolyte output are Tianci Materials, Xinzhoubang, Cathay Pacific, Dongguan Shanshan and BYD. Tianci Materials, Xinzhoubang, and Cathay Pacific always occupy the top three positions in the industry. Among them, the market rate of Tinci Materials has risen rapidly, from 18.3% in 2017 to 29.3% in 2020, ranking first. The market share of Xinzhoubang and Cathay Huarong is relatively stable. The market share of leading companies is gradually increasing. The electrolyte industry is a typical oligopoly market, and in recent years, the market share of leading companies has been gradually increasing. From 2017 to 2020, CR3 of domestic electrolyte industry companies rose from 46.3% to 61.6%; CR5 rose from 61.5% to 77.6%. There are two reasons for the continuous increase in the share of leading companies in the industry: one is that leading companies have established long-term binding cooperative relationships with major customers at home and abroad, and can continue to obtain large-scale orders. The customers of Tinci Materials, Xinzhoubang, Cathay Huarong and other companies cover well-known domestic and foreign battery companies such as Guoxuan High-tech, Yiwei Lithium, Samsung, and Panasonic, as well as leading companies in the consumer electronics and vehicle manufacturing industries. Except for the leading companies, the customers of other companies are mainly the leading battery manufacturers in the region, and they rarely involve overseas business. Another reason is that the leading company has strong capital and is in a leading position in the progress of production expansion. Some leading companies rely on their capital advantages to expand production on the spot in major customer areas. For example, Tianci Materials, Xinzhoubang and Guotai Huarong have established production bases in Europe. At the same time, new domestic production is also accelerating, leading the pace of production expansion. With the acceleration of the production expansion of the electrolyte head company, it is estimated that by the end of 2021, the output of Tinci Materials will reach 200,000 tons/year; the output of Xinzhoubang will reach 150,000 tons/year; the output of Cathay Pacific Huarong will reach 70,000 tons/year .
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