
New fuel power battery unveiled, impacting the mobile power market

by:CTECHi     2021-09-29
I believe that the most annoying of friends on business trips is nothing more than going out but the mobile phone is out of power. I believe that everyone has encountered the situation that the sky should not be called the ground, and the general mobile power supply can not satisfy us to use the mobile phone as much as possible. However, recently, a hydrogen fuel mobile power supply called bruntonHydrogenReactor has finally changed from a concept to a reality. This is the first time that this technology has emerged in the field of electronic technology. Although the technology is still imperfect, the technology is definitely a boon to the majority of machine friends. Fuel power battery means that users can generate electricity on site in the future, and the internal reactor of this Walkman-sized bruntonHydrogenReactor hydrogen fuel power battery uses removable and replenishing energy hydrogen nuclear batteries, each battery capacity is equivalent to 8500 millimetres An electric quantity can be reused 1,000 times, and Brunton can also recycle it after it is scrapped. The working principle of this technology is not complicated. When the battery starts to work, the hydrogen fuel power cell sends hydrogen to the anode plate (negative electrode) of the fuel power cell. After the catalyst (platinum) is used, one of the electrons in the hydrogen atom is The hydrogen ions (protons) that are separated and lost electrons pass through the proton exchange membrane and reach the cathode plate (positive electrode) of the fuel power battery. This electronic external circuit reaches the cathode plate of the fuel power battery, thereby initiating an electric current in the external circuit. After the electrons reach the cathode plate, they recombine with oxygen atoms and hydrogen ions to form water. Since the oxygen supplied to the cathode plate can be obtained from the air, as long as the anode plate is continuously supplied with hydrogen, the cathode plate is supplied with air, and the water vapor is taken away in time, electric energy can be continuously supplied. Although the technology of this product is still imperfect, it also puts forward a new roadmap for the future development of mobile power. In the current era when the capacity of lithium-ion batteries is reaching the limit, this product is still very meaningful.
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